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Search results

  1. Razael6

    Resolved Title glitches

    I think they should change it in the dictionary to rouge because rogue when you look at it you hear like ro gu while rouge looks like the pronunciation.
  2. Razael6

    Suggestion [Suggestion] HC Approved Minimap For Spout Clients

    Should add pictures to the thread.
  3. Razael6

    GW2 Beta + Pre-Purchase Info!

    Oh I think I misread ArenaNets post more likely, stupid me lol.
  4. Razael6

    Highest SPM

    No, take that back.
  5. Razael6

    ALERT Herocraft To-Do list

    Want to add custom client to that list :cool:?
  6. Razael6

    GW2 Beta + Pre-Purchase Info!

    But the beta is not till late March :P thats like a month worth of prep time .
  7. Razael6

    GW2 Beta + Pre-Purchase Info!

    Won't be for a while like on Friday or weekend I am guessing.
  8. Razael6


    Devoshades mom :eek:
  9. Razael6

    Highest SPM

    Sounds like BFBC2 helicopters, never got BF3 those games suck compared to the realistic awesomeness that is Battlefield Bad Company games.