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Search results

  1. jan9f

    Suggestion Ways To Use Skills On A Bound Item

    How many macros can you have that you run out....?
  2. jan9f

    Suggestion A change in Necromancer

    This thread is from 2013. Why are we bumping this? It's outdated.
  3. jan9f

    Suggestion Class Tree Things Using T2 Classes

    S'pose you're right there
  4. jan9f

    Suggestion [Township] Balance Ideas:

    1. Referring to the homes, to check to make sure you have somebody "inhabiting" the home, you'd have to do a complete rework of the way members are added to the sub-regions, because at the moment all it would take is a /to addmember sr:[name] in the region and it'd be "occupied." 2. I like the...
  5. jan9f

    Suggestion Class Tree Things Using T2 Classes

    Going off of this, we could go back to a "Lost Soul" style system, where you need to master a broad category (Support, Rogue, Warrior, Caster). You need to get up to level 20 in it, and it has a little bit of the skills from different classes within the category, and you can get a feel for each...
  6. jan9f

    Suggestion Forum name change

    You could just get somebody that's designated to do it. Just give them the power to change names (somebody that won't abuse it) and have a thread stickied for people to post their new names with a format. Then that person(s) assigned the permission would check it and update as needed.
  7. jan9f

    February Notes - 7.2.6+

    I was referring specifically about name changing removing your town membership, not townships as a whole. Suppose I should have specified.
  8. jan9f

    Suggestion Class Tree Things Using T2 Classes

    I believe this is basically like having a sub-class for T2, the way I'm interpreting it. Basically, you go into T2 and then are able to choose a focus point, like he's stated. You could call it like having 3 different T2 classes per T1 if you really wanna go that far.
  9. jan9f

    February Notes - 7.2.6+

    Any fix for Townships and name changes in the near future?
  10. jan9f

    Suggestion Herocrafts newly designed website "shots fired"

    Stop trolling, you're trying too hard now.