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Search results

  1. Razael6

    Dungeons and Dragons Online - Play Group

    Will im my crap graphics card can run it, the only game I have found it can is Diablo 2 not even MC I dunno been searching and some people say yes some no, just like with mc some say yes it works for them some no. My card is Radeon 9200.
  2. Razael6


    On my 2nd out of 3 characters a Khajit light armor dual wielder I was like lvl 10 and 4 elder dragon attacked me at Windhelm docks D: My 1st Character I accidently deleted and my 3rd which I beat DBrotherhood with and is an Argonian archer/double daedric maces :) Is the closest one I have to...
  3. Razael6

    [Los Bandidos] Neutral Evil (17)

    Wow that video was freaking hilarious someone :"lol kainzo still has godmode" kainzo:"oh well, Los Bandidos wins!
  4. Razael6

    Show me yo indie/pixely type games

    Everyone knows about it but I dont care DIABLO 2!!!! apparently my crap graphics card can run it but not MC.
  5. Razael6

    Suggestion ranger skills?

    Kainzo we now archer = ranger but what we are saying is that ranger doesnt = rogue, and that you could put it in its own class with different specs.
  6. Razael6

    Bug Title Issues {Consolidated}

    Lol that "huge thing" is reis mini map its on allowed mods list and in the mod pack.
  7. Razael6

    Suggestion ranger skills?

    Well now only ranger and bard get bows instead of like all of them, and the bards have no bow skills, so this is another reason this is a better idea now.
  8. Razael6

    Suggestion ranger skills?

    I actually agree, when I get back to MC and HC I want to use a bow, yet I don't want to go through the melee rogue. And it seems you thought this out pretty well, I agree this would be a good idea. I agree because well the bow is just a completely different thing than rogue's high damage...
  9. Razael6


    Anyone who has gameinformer knows what I am talking about, theres like 12 pages on it in GI, It's based in the American Revolutionary War on the U.S. side and you're playing as Connor a half Native American half English/Italian with a tomahawk, bow, flintlock pistol, and hidden blade, other...
  10. Razael6

    [Los Bandidos] Neutral Evil (17)

    So you're saying he didn't pass? :P