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Search results

  1. T

    The Floating Islands of Frost!

    Name: Rag3e Age: 23 Levels (Combat & Prof): 45 Berserker 20crafter TeamSpeak?: Sure ;) Skype?: Yup Mic?: and yess Length of stay on Herocraft?: I used to play a long time ago. :) just got back into it. All new to me... Timezone?: US central
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    TonGenocide BAN appeal #2

    IGN: TonGenocide Banned by: @(name) Brutal. Time of ban: Early 2011 Reason for ban: I was banned for speedhacks, =/. It was a very long time ago. but I am still VERY sorry about it. Your story:I was being raided constantly and resorted to speedhacking from a mod someone sent me >.<. It was My...
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    Forgot to logout her account >.<
  4. T

    TonGenocide BAN appeal

    IGN: TonGenocide Banned by: @(name) I was banned by Brutal a couple years ago, 2-3 I think early 2011. Time of ban: about 2-3 years ago this would have to be my 2nd or 3rd ban appeal. Reason for ban: First/Last time speed hacking. =/ Your story: I was being raided a lot over and over and I was...
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    If I were to play caster, I'm debating on Geo or Wiz. (Do beguilers do good deeps?) Anyone know which should be more suitable for the most DPS. -Also, how are necro's in PvP?
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    Who is your favorite champion?

    Are they still remaking master yi? or did they already...
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    Herocraft dev notes 3.2

    Heals are the best =p
  8. T

    Who is your favorite champion?

    They usually put 2 bot so an AD carry can have a support. Like 90% of the time in pro ELO. The support just sit back with GP5 items and let the AD carry last hit everything. Nothing scarier than a carry with support xDDD Also the assisting Dragon seems like a legit reason.
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    TonGenocide's Ban Appeal

    Well, Ive never done that before except for the one time. I barely knew what I was getting myself into when my buddy sent me the damn things =/. I did read the rules though, and I did know it was wrong. I made a mistake.
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    Who is your favorite champion?

    Make sure as shaco you jump walls for ganks, they cant see the poof of smoke when you Q. Also, before you lose invis throw a jitb down, Put it where you think they will run away gives you an couple extra auto attacks in before they can even think about doing dmg to you. Most people I see dont...