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Search results

  1. Razael6

    Guild Wars 1 Playstyle?

    His name be Sir Knight Keith, all my characters have my first name in it even though I go by my middle name 80% of the time in real life.
  2. Razael6

    Man successfully flies with custom built bird wings

    Actually the hoax page I linked you to in the writing it says it is possible but he couldn't do. That is because he is not an engineer and doesn't have a big budget.
  3. Razael6

    MC System Requirement help! Please!

    Well no I took the thing to see if I could run #2 I got all red x's since my pc and gcard are old and not a whole lot of RAM.
  4. Razael6

    Guild Wars 1 Playstyle?

    Hey Oxea want to to start a brand new Guild Wars char with me once I get out of pre searing?
  5. Razael6

    MC System Requirement help! Please!

    It works!
  6. Razael6

    MC System Requirement help! Please!

    From looking at multiple threads on different things it says I should be able to run it just fine. heres one link http://guildwars.incgamers.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-352703.html EDIT:I am just going to go ahead and try if it doesn't work I can always unistall it.
  7. Razael6

    Mass Effect 3

    Um no not really.
  8. Razael6

    MC System Requirement help! Please!

    @applelove @Oxea LOL !!!apparently I can run Guild Wars 1 with my crap pc should I try to install and play it? I'l do more research first though.
  9. Razael6

    MC System Requirement help! Please!

    Hey guys /bump I went to same site to see why I can'y play Terraria which I have tried on this pc but didn't work, apparently my gcard cab play mc but not terraria. SYSTEM RESULTS CPU Athlon XP 2500+ Login for more GFX Radeon 9200 Series Login for more RAM 1GB
  10. Razael6

    Man successfully flies with custom built bird wings

    wow that link has a link to another fake thing he made, its quite amazing seems real if it wasn't impossible. Exspecialy around the part at the 5th minute.