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Search results

  1. Shadeking

    smith slight improvements

    thats nothing take a look at this! http://herocraftonline.com/forum/index.php?threads/general-herocraft-hunger-games-d.13783/#post-114864 yep i know im the ultimate master of dubble posting!
  2. Shadeking

    smith slight improvements

    i did'nt get the whole obsidian to coal thing seemed kinda odd.
  3. Shadeking

    smith slight improvements

    i think this would be a great idea. chainmail isnt meant to be maked in a cauldron! and im even not a smith so i dont just want it for myself
  4. Shadeking

    Township MOTD's

    See THATS a problem!
  5. Shadeking

    Counter Strike/Minecraft. (Brick-Force)

    Sounds like awesome mods. Names, devo NAMES!!!!!
  6. Shadeking

    [Hamlet] The Enclave [Evil] (11)

    I dont think they just give you the corrds before You are a citizen. I wouldnt
  7. Shadeking

    [Hamlet] The Enclave [Evil] (11)

    nice town you got there a bit stupid to make a road from a graveyard to the town.
  8. Shadeking

    Township MOTD's

    I guess its ok but dont most towns have a notice board of some sort You Can fit much more on a board than in a motd
  9. Shadeking

    Zeal memory thread

    The only thing i remember about zeal is spawn and me on my Way to ironpass a bit before the new map It sucks to get accepted into a town and Them boom! New map
  10. Shadeking

    What is your favorite food?

    you have a very refined taste @Neotetro