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Search results

  1. TheTMTrainer

    Who is your favorite champion?

    I do top and jungle, and I love Vi, Garen, Malphite, Sej... I love being the wall that the enemy team has to deal with so they can reach the carries.
  2. TheTMTrainer

    Suggestion Rangers need back Root!!

    Perhaps a passive crit+stun for bowman (they have a chance to stun and crit when an attack hits).
  3. TheTMTrainer

    Suggestion Rangers need back Root!!

    When it was working it was basicly root. :P Still, Root and Arrowstorm is simply overpowered.
  4. TheTMTrainer

    Suggestion Rangers need back Root!!

    Root + Arrowstorm = Instant-Kill Use Icearrow, I hear its basicly root.
  5. TheTMTrainer

    Suggestion Mana regeneration methods.

    I agree. Perhaps water bottles (e.g. manapotions) could be that farmable material we need. We get the glass bottle back after we drink, and lets say, a 300% boost on mana recovery for 20 seconds after drinking it.
  6. TheTMTrainer

    Dragoons and rooting/deepfreeze abilities..

    What would be the quickest, most useful modification. I say +1 for Quake to be a active AoE based attack.
  7. TheTMTrainer

    Suggestion Bloodmage seriously needs a buff...

    Drainga (Final Fantasy reference) Spammable AoE drain that deals low damage, but heals 100% per hit. Lets say, 3 second cooldown, 7 Mana, 5 Damage, 4 block radius, and splits the dealed damage between allys (so if you hit 5 enemies, dealing 25 damage, and you have 3 people in your party, each...
  8. TheTMTrainer

    Dragoons and rooting/deepfreeze abilities..

    Make a Quake a castable AoE. (SonicBoom ripoff without silence.)
  9. TheTMTrainer

    Suggestion Outposts - what's feasible?

    Make it so Freelancer raiders, (those not part of a tower), could possibly attack the stronghold for some sort of loot. If 1 person can kill 2-4 people protecting a castle, they deserve a little something.
  10. TheTMTrainer

    Suggestion Mana regeneration methods.

    Golden Apples don't deserve to heal 100%, if anything, they could eat Goldem Apples for 10%.