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Search results

  1. kriskills

    Guide Application: kriskills

    1. Minecraft IGN: kriskills 2. Position applying for: Guide 3. Age: 20 4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of the United States): MST 5. Hours/Week you play (on average): Around 30-50 (Depending on homework) 6. Friends in Herocraft: Many. Punisher79, icarumba, alayne72, thesafetyman...
  2. kriskills

    So, what about Hell?

    Druids also have ports. Not just wizards.
  3. kriskills

    Phantasy Star Online

    I played it for dreamcast and gamecube. I have to say, it was one of the most fun games to play with friends (as in old halo, invite them to your house and split screen it up) Have any of you ever heard of it? I never tried Phantasy Star Universe, and i heard rumors for a new one to come out...
  4. kriskills


    I was level.... 69? or 70. Whatever the highest level was. Had bought every DLC, and finished every mission, and got every pearlescent gun. Me, my bro, and friends raped that game. I remember seeing the graphics before it came out, and was iffy about it. Then I played with my brother and fell in...
  5. kriskills


    Hate. Jets. But, do we sign up somewhere? and is it just auto accept or do we get tested, etc. I feel like [DH] is pretty prestigious when it comes to members
  6. kriskills


    I did get owned being a low level sniper against Rue and Pun in a tank =P Maybe I shouldnt have told them I was shooting at em. But I will def be a part of this. They need to make it so you can link multiple squads together, then it would make more of a difference.
  7. kriskills

    Riding a dragon 101

    Can you actually control where it goes? and does it destroy everything in its path like i saw it do in some video?
  8. kriskills

    You're vs Your!

    Welcome to the internet. First I shall explain why this logic works on the internet, in mathematical terms of course. speed = s time to type = t winner = w your = a you're = b a > b s > b s=a w = s + t We are all looking to for the quickest way to do anything, so therefore, we want to = "s"...
  9. kriskills

    We claim Solis as our own!

    You bed camped 2 of our members, the unspecced ones.... So yes, please do count them towards the five. Makes you sound BA. And dont say smiths arent good at pvp, they are actually surprisingly good. Zach used to be one, and was an effective Pvp'r. So have fun, your e-dick is bigger. Too bad it...
  10. kriskills

    We claim Solis as our own!

    Almost everyone in Solis is...... Hence why I said it.