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Search results

  1. madpear

    Suggestion [Skill]Quick Draw:Ranger

    EDIT: I removed my post that was hi-jacking this thread and made a separate thread: http://www.herocraftonline.com/main/threads/skill-fleetfoot-ranger.35555/
  2. madpear


    I am saying that indeed.
  3. madpear


    I second this request for clarification and also file a motion that Jack update his hilariously old sig.
  4. madpear

    [Hamlet] [Umbra] {16} [Evil]

    Not a Hamlet anymore. Pro.
  5. madpear

    Suggestion Healer Specs and More

    I'm not being ridiculous at all. You think every person you beat in skirmish is a reasonably competent PVP'er? From my experience, most are not. If you're not clear on what an anecdote is, it's a singular example based on an experience you've had. I'm calling your evidence anecdotal because all...
  6. madpear

    Suggestion Healer Specs and More

    It's turned into an argument about the points where you're wrong due to anecdotal evidence based on a terribly tiny sample size. I've had L60 characters come at me to PvP doing nothing but punching. I can beat them as a Lvl 10 Dragoon. ZOMG imba! The other day I shot a man in a duel as he did...
  7. madpear

    Suggestion Healer Specs and More

    First off, there is no such thing as any line BUT the front in Herocraft. I'm sorry, but there is no concept of "hanging back" in this game, everybody is involved, so sue me if I melee as a Cleric. The fact is, regardless of your opinion, a Cleric's melee does far less damage at best than ANY...
  8. madpear

    Suggestion Healer Specs and More

    Lick, I've only played Cleric, but I should think your long-winded description of the class amounts to you negating yourself. First you say you can Chant and Smite "non-stop". Then, to close the description, you say you run out of mana pretty quickly. Then your conclusion is the class needs a...
  9. madpear

    ALERT Server Status (CHECK HERE)

    Man, I get a Saturday to play and, BOOM, DOS attack. Weak-sauce.
  10. madpear

    [Hamlet] [Umbra] {16} [Evil]

    I second this motion. The 'aye's have it. Motion passes. My first decree as king is no more pollution. From now on, we will all travel in tubes. Get the scientists working on the tube technology immediately. Second decree, make I_Love_Miners the new president, I am out of decrees.