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Search results

  1. tres322


    In Game Name(IGN):tres322 Age(must be 15+):16 Minecraft Exp: started playing minecraft 2 yeas ago Herocraft Exp:i was a lv 15 Pyro, but i think the server wiped Spec or intended spec: still crafter Current level: 3 What do you like to do? (be honest, you'd be surprised with what we...
  2. tres322

    Dungeons are coming!

    if there will be a boss what is mob and what is the reward
  3. tres322

    [Town] Belegost [Neutral] [71] [RECRUITING]

    can u accept my application
  4. tres322

    [Town] Belegost [Neutral] [71] [RECRUITING]

    IGN:tres322 Age/Timezone:25 Referals: What other towns were you in/why did you leave them:any 1 Link to whitelist application:www.herocraftonline.com/main/conversations/welcome.34239/ Why do you wish to join Belegost:because i want to join a town How can you help out the town:with money time and...
  5. tres322

    [Capital] Newerth [233] (v4.0) (OS) [Neutral] [Awesome] [**Recruiting**]

    i am not american i am brazilian sorry XPi don't know lot of inglishplease accept, my english is bad
  6. tres322

    [Capital] Newerth [233] (v4.0) (OS) [Neutral] [Awesome] [**Recruiting**]

    In-game Name:tres322 Why do you wish to join Newerth?:because i don't grief and i don't receive any warning How did you hear about Newerth?:in the forums How long have you been on the server?:1 mounth What Class and Profession are you or plan to become?: pyromancer/don't know Past towns?:no one...
  7. tres322

    [City][RoV] Mineris [96][Evil]

    1. In Game Name:tres322 2. Class: pyromancer/crafter 3. Previous Towns:no one 4. People you know in the town:no one 5. Why you should be Accepted:because i am evil huahuahuahuahua 6. What makes you special:i like ranger attack i like exploring but i donn't like internet explorer 7. Additional...
  8. tres322

    [Tree Creepers](Evil){21}

    In game name:tres322 Age:25 Hero Paths/Specs: Pyromancer/crafter Hero Levels:6/14 Mastered Specs/Paths: Caster Why should you be a Tree Creeper: because i don't grief and i like to kill every1 What you can contribute:whit money ores and time What town are you currently in:no one Time Zone...
  9. tres322

    [Town] [LO] Verstad [28] [Neutral] - Recruiting!

    i can't give more information sorry please accept
  10. tres322

    [Town] [LO] Verstad [28] [Neutral] - Recruiting!

    come on i like to be in this town