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Recent content by mung3r

  1. mung3r

    Bug Chestshop Dark oak wood bug

    @WitchOnaRampage @Kainzo I added missing logs and log products to our build of chestshop. It's ready for testing on the test server.
  2. mung3r

    Bug Call of Order does not function (3rd or 4th day)

    @Kainzo I checked in a temp fix on the Heroes project.
  3. mung3r

    Bug Call of Order does not function (3rd or 4th day)

    Java class loader issues. Side effect of pulling in those abstract skills into heroes.
  4. mung3r

    Bug Paladin Skill absolution

    I think @Kainzo inadvertently left a couple skills behind. I restored them but they won't be active until the next restart.
  5. mung3r

    Bug Cannot sell wood buttons

    New build of chestshop is on test. If everything checks out, @Kainzo will move it live.
  6. mung3r

    Suggestion Colors

    New herotitles build shows selected color in player tablist. Test it out when you're free @Kainzo
  7. mung3r

    Bug Residences perms

    @WitchOnaRampage I think you'll still have the problem with newly created residences, unless the default config is setup correctly.
  8. mung3r

    Bug Soul Enlightenment

    I'm not familiar with the logic behind the class tiers. It might take some time before I know what's going on.
  9. mung3r

    Bug I keep losing large amounts of money for no reason?

    I found the bug in the Residence plugin code. Offline players that have a residence incorrectly get the 'whitelisted' perm group. As a result, they get charged at that rate. The fix should take effect whenever the next scheduled restart happens. Thanks for everyone's help in pinpointing the bug.
  10. mung3r

    Bug I keep losing large amounts of money for no reason?

    Not saying this is the cause for all of the issues. However, this particular case, Residence is at fault.
  11. mung3r

    Bug I keep losing large amounts of money for no reason?

    This is a bug in the Residence plugin. There's a miscalculation in the lease renewal amount.
  12. mung3r

    Bug /skill cleave Renders single target unattackable

    The 'target' is a player or mob? Doesn't matter? So far, I don't see anything in the code that would make the target invuln for a brief time.
  13. mung3r

    Bug /skill cleave Renders single target unattackable

    Since I'm not up on what all the skils do nowadays, what does cleave do?
  14. mung3r

    Suggestion /boost unhelpful on loot boosts

    We'll make it match.
  15. mung3r

    Suggestion New Animations (Pictures)

    I guess this means you're taking the "pick and choose" adhoc approach instead of a system as I suggested. Though I do appreciate that some of the skill will be getting some much needed attention in the particles department.