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Suggestion Tier 3 Classes


Legacy Supporter 3
Mar 10, 2013

With the revamps the classes have been modified making many people test new classes. Although, how do you keep people on this server longer if they want to stay a class, but still want to level. I am like this. I love my wizard class for its utility and pvp abilities. I don't plan on switching anytime soon, but it would be nice to have each tier 2 class branch out even further giving almost limitless opportunities for new people to the server.



Legacy Supporter 7
Feb 4, 2011
Compared to other MMOs, you can reach max level much (MUCH) quicker in HC. At that point, it's about "leveling-up" your personal skill - in this sense, Herocraft is very much an Action RPG. Herocraft isn't about constantly leveling your combat spec, and I personally like that.


Sep 30, 2011
This would be like creating the server a second time. To creat 16 more classes would take a long time and frankly, not many ideas are left for 16 more classes. Making 8+ skills for each of these classes would be so hard on the programmers and thinking of new creative skills would be hard too. I don't see this coming anytime soon imo, but it is a cool idea.


Legacy Supporter 2
Jun 7, 2012
It would create a lot of coding new skills and balancing work, so probably wont happen in a long time/ever


Legacy Supporter 4
Retired Staff
Nov 25, 2012
United States
This would be like creating the server a second time. To creat 16 more classes would take a long time and frankly, not many ideas are left for 16 more classes. Making 8+ skills for each of these classes would be so hard on the programmers and thinking of new creative skills would be hard too. I don't see this coming anytime soon imo, but it is a cool idea.
I could probably spit out 4 relatively balanced, fully developed classes in less than 2-3 weeks if I was given the tools to do so, and Kainzo actually wanted me to. Just sayin.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Honestly... the only 'real' way to do it is to add the current tier 2 to tier 3 and then replace tier 2 with 'mini' versions ... I guess...
Like; ---------------------------->
Knight | Medium
Dread/Paladin | Dragoon/Samurai
Range | Light
Ranger | Bard/Ninja/Runeblade
Holy | Primal
Disciple/Cleric | Mystic/Bloodmage
Dark | Arcane
Necro/Pyro | Beguiler/Wizard
See how that could work? But is this more "fun" would this fix anything?


Legacy Supporter 6
Jul 25, 2012
All I see this doing would be to cause more grinding. Not a huge fan of grinding for the sake of grinding. Resources would be better used to add new classes than try to add more leveling to existing ones. Of course only my opinion.


May 2, 2012
Honestly... the only 'real' way to do it is to add the current tier 2 to tier 3 and then replace tier 2 with 'mini' versions ... I guess...
Like; ---------------------------->
Knight | Medium
Dread/Paladin | Dragoon/Samurai
Range | Light
Ranger | Bard/Ninja/Runeblade
Holy | Primal
Disciple/Cleric | Mystic/Bloodmage
Dark | Arcane
Necro/Pyro | Beguiler/Wizard
See how that could work? But is this more "fun" would this fix anything?
I think this would be pretty cool and add a new level to the game. I believe the ideal median for this class combination would be to make each more well rounded, not just destroy a spec that they counter.

Also i am kind if spit balling here but i also think it would be interesting if there were pvp variant classes that had all their skills and would level by killing people. As they level up they gain things like more weapon damage, increased mana pool, decreased cds or increased mana regen. Although pvp elo would not work everyone could have a score that changes the same as /pvp but is not advertised the same way, this is to prevent people from farming allies for xp. If the person dies they lose xp in the same way that people lose elo, if you die to a high ranking person they steal a portion of your xp. Everyone would have a scoring "elo" even if they are not a specialized class so that pvping still benefits them. This elo or xp should degrade over a period of time if the person reaches a certain amount so that this said person does not just hunt down one person a day and eventually become insanely powerful.

This would add a gambling sort of effect to pvp, if you do well you are rewarded and if you do poorly you get nothing and possibly even a debuff to even this out so not everyone automatically goes one of these classes. I personally think this would be awesome, wouldn't be impossible to code because you can just use the old elo system as a base for the xp but the rest would most likely be annoying to make. I think this is a less than perfect system but i do believe that parts of this could possible be used in complilation with future and existing systems to form an exciting new aspect to pvp.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
I think a re-design of the current system would be the most fun...

One where players would get a certain number of points every level. As they obtain "points" they could unlock skills.
Just spit balling..

Harmtouch - 10 points
Harrow - 15 points
Bash - 5 points
Despair - 7 points
Strike - 7 points

So a level 25 dreadknight could unlock in any order Harmtouch and Harrow or... Bash / Despair / Strike

So players could actually unlock skills at their choosing, rather than at the levels (we deem) would be necessary. This kind of setup would allow players to actually build their character in the way they want... or at least would be a nice direction to go in instead of just allowing us to set the levels.


May 2, 2012
I think a re-design of the current system would be the most fun...

One where players would get a certain number of points every level. As they obtain "points" they could unlock skills.
Just spit balling..

Harmtouch - 10 points
Harrow - 15 points
Bash - 5 points
Despair - 7 points
Strike - 7 points

So a level 25 dreadknight could unlock in any order Harmtouch and Harrow or... Bash / Despair / Strike

So players could actually unlock skills at their choosing, rather than at the levels (we deem) would be necessary. This kind of setup would allow players to actually build their character in the way they want... or at least would be a nice direction to go in instead of just allowing us to set the levels.
That would be pretty cool.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jul 25, 2012
Anything that add variety is awesome in my books. Nothing like never being 100% sure of what to expect from your opponent. How much of a nightmare would balancing be if you give players options? If you saw my Leader class idea this would be even better then creating a whole new class. Like if you went Dragoon you could opt to go for skills that are all offensive, like the current setup, or go down a branch that is more support/leader based like those in my Leader class idea. These skills could build off each other like skill paths or just get whatever skill at that level you have reach out of a choice of several. Big thing I think is needed is more buff/debuff skill classes. Especially if people are going to start fighting in larger groups. Currently only the bard fills that role.


Sep 23, 2012
I think a re-design of the current system would be the most fun...

One where players would get a certain number of points every level. As they obtain "points" they could unlock skills.
Just spit balling..

Harmtouch - 10 points
Harrow - 15 points
Bash - 5 points
Despair - 7 points
Strike - 7 points

So a level 25 dreadknight could unlock in any order Harmtouch and Harrow or... Bash / Despair / Strike

So players could actually unlock skills at their choosing, rather than at the levels (we deem) would be necessary. This kind of setup would allow players to actually build their character in the way they want... or at least would be a nice direction to go in instead of just allowing us to set the levels.

Revamp #2 idea right there.

Colonel Rick

Legacy Supporter 7
Feb 3, 2013
Maybe have a system where there are more skills for a class than the class can purchase. That would allow for unqiue class builds. Like a high mobility, long range archer type of Ranger, or the Aragorn style close in, yet can-still-shoot-arrows kind of Ranger.


Legacy Supporter 9
Oct 1, 2012
Maybe have a system where there are more skills for a class than the class can purchase. That would allow for unqiue class builds. Like a high mobility, long range archer type of Ranger, or the Aragorn style close in, yet can-still-shoot-arrows kind of Ranger.
This is actually pretty much what Maplestory DID in the past... they've changed it so much that you can pretty much max every single skill at some point :L
I'd also really like it... Diablo 2-esque....


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 28, 2011
I think that a Path of Exile skill tree would be good...But since we have 16 classes instead of 6 it needs to be 3 times bigger.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Well, there has to be some extreme checks and balances, cause right now, balance is already hectic and if we were to give more skills to classes - players could find the mix-match they want and just dominate ... so it would be the great pvpers dominating unless you go X spec. We don't want to force players to have to choose ONE thing, otherwise we're back at square one.

Colonel Rick

Legacy Supporter 7
Feb 3, 2013
I completely understand your point of view there Kainzo. It really spawned from the idea of having more classes be able to perform a support role over direct combat, like if every Spec had a Bard-esque class, with each support class giving a unique boost over the others. Like a Warrior Spec could provide a defense bonus and an offense bonus, Bard gives out speed and a couple others, Healers could dish out recovery rates or something similar.

The other thought came up on a whim when I read the post about skill trees.


Legacy Supporter 6
Retired Staff
Feb 22, 2013
Could always move skill points to be something for the "legendary" classes as a reason of limiting what they are able to do, so that a mastered legendary would not have all skills of its bases but some combo.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jul 25, 2012
Well, there has to be some extreme checks and balances, cause right now, balance is already hectic and if we were to give more skills to classes - players could find the mix-match they want and just dominate ... so it would be the great pvpers dominating unless you go X spec. We don't want to force players to have to choose ONE thing, otherwise we're back at square one.

What would be wrong with the idea of having a choice of skills at level up or even skill paths. Provides variability in each spec but as long as you make it so going either way was balanced just to different playstyles. You could have a wider variety that way. Just like I said earlier for example as a Dragoon at a level you could choose to get a skill like Impale or you can pick a skill that would give you and your party a movement boost or a heal. This way if you face a dragoon you can never be completely sure what your facing and there are more player options. You are never forced into a premade class. You could find a Dragoon with any mix of offensive defensive or buff, but it would require creating many more skills. As the skill options should be exclusive in each spec. Like Col Rick I have been talking almost all day about how we have a need for more support buff/debuff classes then just Bard.