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Ravebear's Plans for Vault 101?


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 14, 2011
Wales - United Kingdom
Ok I'm getting a bit sick and tired of certain members trying to harm Vault 101.

Today I logged into HeroCraft to find Ravebear chatting about harming Vault 101 in the Blasphemy channel.

I'm not sure if his intent was to get me in trouble or greifing Vault 101.

But I have a screenshot here as proof and judging by his responce it was clear on his intentions:-

Please could I have a Mod look into this:



Jan 12, 2011
oh hi after over 20 warnings including some admins and mods... to NOT to be in another towns channel, I was in there again, and since Blasphemy checks the list constantly, I got CAUGHT and they started making stuff up.

Fuzz, I'm calling for a ban now. Printed this thread to pdf.



Jan 17, 2011
My story:

Fuzlogix has been being intruding into the blasphemy channel a lot recently. I have been getting very annoyed at his lack of respect and his behaviour. I've told him probably 10 times to leave, that he is not welcome, even mods have told him to leave the channel. He decided to put the channel on auto join and then used that as an excuse as why he was in the channel, even though he could really leave if he wanted to. It is a private channel and I consider it to be plain rudeness.

I was tired with shouting at him to get out, i've been polite, ive been angry, but he always comes back. He was in the channel not saying anything listening to me talking with bargraphics about the super bowl. I decided to joke with him by "accidently" slipping my secret plans to blow up his house with tnt. I have absolutely no intention to do that, it was just sarcasm as well as my following comments. I was actually surprised he believed this, considering we cannot even place tnt.

I don't really think I've done anything wrong by making this joke, I have absolutely nothing against vault 101, i heard it was a nice place and was planning to visit one day, as a fan of fallout. It seems to be drama over very little. I hope we can get some sort of moderation powers for our chat channels or a blacklist so I don't have to put up with grief from fuz.


Jan 12, 2011
I can't Kain, neither could dago

I think its cause you made Blasphemy's channel not I

Dago has warned this guy over and over and over again, so has a few mods...


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 14, 2011
Wales - United Kingdom
No one had warned me about leaving the channel, not once not even Dago - get your facts right.

Also stop derailing this thread, this is not about if I should be in the channel or not, also I've not seen any rules regarding the channels. Make your own thread if you wanna bring this up!

So you can provide proof that Ravebear checked the channel list before making the comments. Its obvious what was said was not meant for me to see.


Jan 15, 2011
This post made me laugh ^^, our dastardly plans are revealed, fear the power of unusable TNT and our ability to type /ch list !

Confirming Blasphemy's channel is the best channel, and that we have asked unwanted spies, mostly fuz/amgroma/jason to leave the channel repeatedly, as have moderators.

Mod powers over the channel would be very much appreciated, especially the power to blacklist some people ^^

@fuzz we don't hate vault 101, in fact it hold's a special place in our hearts. for me - as a perpetual wilderness settlement full of loot.

....It really is a nice building though.

Blasphemy's 100 step plan for world domination/ undermining without picks

#24a Feed misinformation to spies - Check

#24b Did you know if you press alt+f4 at just the right time before placing TNT you can avoid being automatically kicked?

#25 ...



Legacy Supporter 3
Jan 17, 2011
You can't place tnt, you get kicked if you try and when you log back in a mod is standing there waiting for you. He knew you were there and was messing with you, or was just plain joking around. I'm sure he knows you can't place tnt or more people would grief with it.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 14, 2011
Wales - United Kingdom
@Respiren I actually enjoyed reading your post and thanks for your comments.

The reason for my original post was not an attempt to get anyone banned, it was to make aware the situation and to make sure this wasn't going to happen.

I'm now aware placing TNT is not possible, so therefore I have no issue.

In regards to the Blasphemy channel, I didn't know anything about it until a few days ago when someone was openly chatting about it in /o.

They mentioned the channel and I joined, not knowing about any rules regarding channels. Upon joining someone was saying how to auto join, so I done it thinking it wouldn't be a problem to turn off if need be.

On every occasion I've been asked to leave, I have. The only exception is when I stuck around to ask how to turn off auto join, and was told I couldn't.

Most times when joining the server I remember to type: /ch leave * to leave your channel, however today I didn't notice I was connected until I seen my name mentioned, hence the panic...

In regards to "multiple" mods/admins asking me to leave - that wasn't the case, the only mod to get involved was Dago, he didn't ask me to leave, just rightly kicked me out of the channel.

I will turn off auto join as soon as I'm able to, I know I'm not welcome in the channel and 100% agree that if you don't want me in there then I shouldn't be in there.

Anyways I just wanted to get my point across and hope this will be the end of it.