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Suggestion PVP protection


Dec 7, 2013
back before the reset when everything was all fine and dandy. butterflies and rainbows (with the occasional corpse here and there) the player community was thriving and new players were coming in by the dozen each day. and they kept playing. witch we seem to have trouble doing in the new map. one of the reasons i came across for the eradication of the newbies could be the so called "poaching". if you don't know what poaching is its tracking down a player continuously beating the ever loving daylight out of said person repeatedly. the problem here is that certain players (cough cough coolbeans279 cough cough) are purposefully tracking down new low lvl players and killing them over and over again till they quit. what i propose is that we bring back the no pvp till lvl 10 aspect. what this allows is that new players are able to get a feel for the server from lvls 1-10 and from lvls 11-20 then get to the more hard core server aspects. the new players can get to play and enjoy and learn how the server works as a lost soul.


Jul 19, 2014
the land of the ice and snow
Well, that is just another purpose of the PvE server. Many people like to mostly do activities there, but others take it only as a preparation to lvl until they're ready for PvP. So, implementing such a thing might not be the most efficient thing to do when you may transit to another world anytime you want.
On the other point of view, it could make new players feel safer in their beginnings, so that would bring back the people I mentioned to the PvP server.


Jan 31, 2014
I do really like the direction you're going into however there are a few problems I can see happening with this 'protection'. These problems would be;

+ there is already a PVE server
+ abusing the power of the protection

As it is right now, there are two main servers. The PVP server as well as the PVE server. It would be nice to advise most new players to go onto PVE to level before venturing out into PVP however regardless of what you advise someone. They will want to do their own thing. Now, if newer players are getting destroyed from the get go on PVP, naturally they would move over to PVE (I hope so anyway) until they feel like they can protect them-self enough on PVP.

Abusing this protection could be the main problem with introducing a protection based on the players level. The main flaw I can see (I'm sure other people can see others) is that it can have a huge impact on raids. Now, let's say there is a raid going down. If someone with this protection managed to get some of the raided items. Who's going to be able to get those items back? No one as the player who's just picked it up is protected until he/ she reaches a certain level. So it basically gives an unfair advantage allowing newer players to be untouchable item mules until they reach a certain level.


Dec 7, 2013
true true. but even if we dont use my suggestion the concept should still stick around for people the expand on. i fell this is a serious problem that is hindering the advancement to this server. i feel that this server is accidentally focusing on the seasoned players than focusing on the needs of the new generation of heroes that we so desperately need


Jan 31, 2014
true true. but even if we dont use my suggestion the concept should still stick around for people the expand on. i fell this is a serious problem that is hindering the advancement to this server. i feel that this server is accidentally focusing on the seasoned players than focusing on the needs of the new generation of heroes that we so desperately need

Well the thought of having a protection is a good concept however, implementing it correctly is next to impossible (as someone is always going to find a way to abuse it) and needless due to there being a PVE server that offers the same experience minus the pvping. But, regarding the feel of it catering more to the seasonal players. Well I do agree to you with an extent however it's mostly down to at the moment "who's the higher level" or "who's got the most people".

Hopefully, there may be more and new features implemented to herocraft to help widen the audience. Just like TNT being able to destroy town blocks. Sure, it may feel slow but progress is progress and it's hard making the right decisions when one mistake can cause a very bad backlash so props to @Kainzo and the staff team.


Legacy Supporter 8
Mar 25, 2011
The PvE server exists for a reason, and PvP protection was already removed for a reason.