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Suggestion Punishment for Disconnecting to avoid combat


I personally get annoyed that whenever I run thousands of blocks to track someone down, they log out as soon as they see me, before I can reach them with a fireball/arrow.

I believe there should be some kind of punishment if you can provide proof of someone logging out to avoid combat; not bans or anything, but maybe an insta-death on login, or a small coin fee.

If you guys know any better alternate penalties, or disagree with me, please share.


Ancient Soul
Legacy Supporter 7
Remastered Tier 2 Supporter
Keep in mind this isn't a PvP server. If they can escape you before you get them into combat, try to be sneakier ;)

As a preemptive reply, it'll be too hard and too annoying to enforce a rule such as this. When is the limit of when they can log out? When you can see them? When you're in the same chunk as them? When you start chasing them from half the map away? How do we measure that? How do you prove someone saw you and wasn't just logging out anyway? It becomes too subjective.


Staff member
Community Manager
Its difficult to code something like that. I don't think u can code player detection.


I personally get annoyed that whenever I run thousands of blocks to track someone down, they log out as soon as they see me, before I can reach them with a fireball/arrow.

I believe there should be some kind of punishment if you can provide proof of someone logging out to avoid combat; not bans or anything, but maybe an insta-death on login, or a small coin fee.

If you guys know any better alternate penalties, or disagree with me, please share.

Combat tagging has dealt with the issue of logging off during combat. As the people above have said, nothing much can be done, code wise, to prevent what you're talking about. :p

As for avoiding PvP, which is what you are talking about, this shouldn't be punishable under any case, in my eyes. As Alator has said, this isn't a PvP server. If someone wants to avoid it, because they have good loot, no weapons or are a low level, then they should be able to log out. What next, should we ban recalling? Or group teleporting people? xD


Legacy Supporter 5
actually it wouldnt be difficult. Make it so if someone logs their body remains for 15 seconds. I have seen this done before. It prevents pvp logs. also i suggest that being pvp tagged lasts longer than 10 seconds. It should be upwards of 30 seconds.

I believe advertising is considered to be when you intentionally show the ip of another server to get others to join. I don't think the player intended to advertise the other servers on the list.


Legacy Supporter 9

I believe advertising is considered to be when you intentionally show the ip of another server to get others to join. I don't think the player intended to advertise the other servers on the list.
I'm not saying he is really trying to advertise, I was just letting him know the video he posted has other servers' information.


Oh you should be my friend...the walruses will unite and destroy your soul ._.

Anyways! Back on topic!
MAS didnt *** have a pvplogger plugin tht he used on another server? it would solve this problem.

For all who dont know what im talking about.... if u were in combat with another player, and u logged off, there would be a "PVPLogger" as it was called, where u logged. So the attacker could then kill the pvp logger and it would drop ur inventory. when u logged back on ur inventory would be gone.

Mod edit.
Don't mention other servers here...lol

And yes, HeroCraft has it here and please modify your post.

The pvp logger though, only sets off once you have been hit or hit someone. In Tjundis's case, his target logged off when he was spotted. I think the solution is clear. Like what Alator said, keep a sneaky approach.


Ancient Soul
Legacy Supporter 7
Remastered Tier 2 Supporter
Stay the fuck on topic.

I'll allow the video because of the situation, but don't mention any other servers.


Ancient Soul
Legacy Supporter 7
Remastered Tier 2 Supporter
The zero tolerance rule was adopted yesterday, so consider this everyone's official warning.


For proof I figured you could just catch someone on fraps turning around, seeing you, and disappearing. You could then hero who them to confirm they are offline.

It's kind of tough to be sneaky when your prey is above ground where there is flat ground for miles.