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Nov 8, 2013
IGN: praise2gouda
Age: 14
Timezone: (UTC +01:00) Central European Time (I live in The Netherlands)
Combat Level/Spec (or planned Spec): I have just started (level 4) but have a LOT of free time (too much?), I am planning to be a Ninja
Crafter Level/Spec (or planned Spec): Again just started (level 3). Planning to be a Scribe.
Mastered Spec's (List Combat and Crafter): None... -yet-
Estimated days played weekly: on the weekends non-stop but during the week about 2-3 hours every other day .
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups: None.
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group: Nope.
Able to use Teamspeak (Y/N): No...
Referrals: None, ( does the website count)
Are you interested in our town: Yes! (I wouldn't be here if I wasn't ;) )
Whitelist application link (URL):http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...wnships-quests-rpg-no-pay2win/page__st__34000

Where did you hear about Legacy: The forums.
Try to impress us: I have played Minecraft since Beta 1.8.1 but watched since late Alpha. I maybe am not the greatest at building, but I'm fine with following orders (give me some blueprints of a tower thats 256 blocks hign and I'm fine with that, and I'll even finish early!). I love talking and helping people out.
Nov 8, 2013
Michigan, USA
IGN: Grimmfinite
Age: 21
Timezone: EST
Combat Level/Spec (or planned Spec): I have a combat level of 7 but I have big plans to be a druid.
Crafter Level/Spec (or planned Spec): I have a crafter level of 8 but when I master it I plan to be a scribe, and then a Runesmith!
Mastered Spec's (List Combat and Crafter): None yet
Estimated days played weekly: 7 days a week for about 4 to 6 hours each day
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups: None on this server
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group: Nope! I'm a very friendly and encouraging person!
Able to use Teamspeak (Y/N): Yes
Referrals: Vongard
Are you interested in our town: No =)
Whitelist application link (URL):
Where did you hear about Legacy: Through the town recruitment chat.
Impress us: Minecraft is my addiction. I started out on Xbox but it was limited so I got the PC version and quickly became entranced. I hosted my own server "Grimmfinity" for awhile using Bukkit and plugins but I really enjoy playing on other servers. I was looking for a server that fit me when I saw Herocraft. I'm the type of person who works hard to create a town that is aesthetically appealing and makes people's jaws drop. I once designed Agrabah from Aladdin in an exact replica. I would be an eye appeal to anyone's town and I'd like to be part of yours!
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