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EldryLars' AMA - Just do eet!


Legacy Supporter 8
Apr 28, 2012
Dragon through ...
Hello Herocraft!

As the trend goes, I will follow! For all those effected by me good or bad in game or not fire away those important life questions you may have on your mind.

As so eloquently put by Gabizou,

1) I will reply to the questions I choose
2) Asking a question that has already been asked will be ignored.
3) Asking a question to find out personal information that could be used to stalk me or harass me will be ignored and/or replied with a question on how bad your Google skills are.
4) I'll leave this thread open for people to ask me questions until I find it unnecessary to keep it open and then beg a mod to close it for me..


Legacy Supporter 8
Apr 28, 2012
Dragon through ...
Where did your username Eldyrlars come from?

I have used some variant of the name Eldry for decades, Aldarion, Aledron, Eldron, Elderon, Eldritch. Lars has been a more recent occurence over the last 8 years or so sometimes as a first name and sometimes as a last. Ex. Darkfall = Lars Eldritch and Luciana Lars. You have no idea how many times people said "Like Metallica?"
I have pretty much settled on Lars as a surname at this point, except for my son who's middle name is Lars..


Legacy Supporter 5
May 31, 2013
Kain or aphrodite
Gabi or danda
Angy or shadow
Xani or delph
North or pew
Witch or wail
Left or jonsoon
Me or ary
Braavos or verstad
Fire or ice
Would you go gay for liam neeson.


Legacy Supporter 8
Apr 28, 2012
Dragon through ...
Kain or aphrodite
Gabi or danda
Angy or shadow
Xani or delph
North or pew
Witch or wail
Left or jonsoon
Me or ary
Braavos or verstad
Fire or ice
Would you go gay for liam neeson.

All of the players you have mentioned have donated time and creativity to this server and have provided so much more then anyone gives them credit for. All of them deserve a shout out for their wonderful work! Thanks my peeps!

I like some of the housing better in Verstad, but the Braavos has some awesome architecture both inside and out! They even have names for their roads in the secure housing!
Fire more then ice but oddly enough I play defense more then I play offense.
Not for Liam Neeson.


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
What's it like to live in the Legion of Oblivion?

Has do you think your experience as its king differ from the experience you'd expect from a new LO recruit?


Legacy Supporter 8
Apr 28, 2012
Dragon through ...
What's it like to live in the Legion of Oblivion?

It's great! Just like most cities are we are all a big family and generally we all have blast! I think the one thing that makes Oblivion different then most cities on Bastion is that we have 4 cities with slightly different personalities and because of this it beings in a lot of different players that might not mesh well if crammed into one city.

How do you think your experience as its king differ from the experience you'd expect from a new LO recruit?

Well, as a king you have a bit more to consider then you would as a new player. As a new recruit of any town you often times spend more time trying to figure out your way around and get your feet planted then anything else. As the king it's my job to come up with the activities and the support systems to keep our new recruits moving forward. Without active management and leadership cities stagnate and players get bored. I am pretty much never without ten different things that players could work on if they want to build(outside of their own creations) and thankfully we have a lot of great pvpers and new players leveling to fulfill most of what you can accomplish in Bastion.
In short, It's my job to supply the fun to the new recruits which I enjoy and as a new recruit it's your job to have fun and learn Herocraft.


Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 28, 2011
How do you like being the newest king of the LO?

What direction do you want the LO to go in?


Hello Herocraft!

As the trend goes, I will follow! For all those effected by me good or bad in game or not fire away those important life questions you may have on your mind.

As so eloquently put by Gabizou,

1) I will reply to the questions I choose
2) Asking a question that has already been asked will be ignored.
3) Asking a question to find out personal information that could be used to stalk me or harass me will be ignored and/or replied with a question on how bad your Google skills are.
4) I'll leave this thread open for people to ask me questions until I find it unnecessary to keep it open and then beg a mod to close it for me..
1. When you lost the last pvp tournament why did you feel it was necessary to keep the champion title that you technically didn't have?
2. Do you feel your team will win this tournament now that there is less competition?


Legacy Supporter 2
May 23, 2012
1. When you lost the last pvp tournament why did you feel it was necessary to keep the champion title that you technically didn't have?
2. Do you feel your team will win this tournament now that there is less competition?

It's always about the pvp isn't it.

Q: Kraft Mac and Cheese or ramen.


A frightening Cactus!
Aug 5, 2013
How do you feel about our new recruits? Do you think many of them have a bright future with the kingdom?


Legacy Supporter 8
Apr 28, 2012
Dragon through ...
How do you like being the newest king of the LO
Honestly, it's not much more work then running a large town, but it's filled with POWER and a BOLD TITLE :D
In short-er, I am having fun.

What direction do you want the LO to go in?
I am working on bringing LO into the spot light as not only bringing fun to the alliance members but to the server as a whole. We will be moving to promote a healthy and happy server population as much as players can.


Legacy Supporter 8
Apr 28, 2012
Dragon through ...
1. When you lost the last pvp tournament why did you feel it was necessary to keep the champion title that you technically didn't have?
This to a good extent is true, I felt robbed twice. First in the original Bastion arena where TC was given a second chance at the last minute to keep their title. It was not a best of three match until after TC lost. Would it have been the same if LO lost the match? I would like to say yes, but honestly I don't believe that would have been the case. The second being after the second Bastion tournament, Never in the history of the server had previous champions lost their titles. In all previous tournaments the old winners kept their titles and the new winners got theirs. Once again this seems like blatant favoritism and I don't condone it. Make the rules obvious ahead of time and stick with it, even if your favorite team does not win...

2. Do you feel your team will win this tournament now that there is less competition?

I would like LO to win the tournament this time around, it will be fun either way as it was the first two times. Honestly the last tournament we would have most likely won with a little better direction from me, if I have been louder and held the ground a little more on who we were targetting. Our teams abilities were superior to TC and our dps was MUCH higher, but unfortunately everyone zeroed in on one obvious target which allowed Danialcan to simply spam heal binds on one person. I can almost guarantee that Danielcan could not has dealt with healing his whole team and if I have pushed to spread out our damage we would have won due to his inadequacy as a Cleric.

In short, I hope for the best competition the server can offer and I expect to stand toe to toe with whatever can be thrown at us.


Honestly the last tournament we would have most likely won with a little better direction from me, if I have been louder and held the ground a little more on who we were targetting. Our teams abilities were superior to TC and our dps was MUCH higher, but unfortunately everyone zeroed in on one obvious target which allowed Danialcan to simply spam heal binds on one person. I can almost guarantee that Danielcan could not has dealt with healing his whole team and if I have pushed to spread out our damage we would have won due to his inadequacy as a Cleric.
Thanks for actually answering my questions, but what makes you think the above in red is true?
Dec 16, 2011
DefaultTexture Speaking: What do you think about trash talking in open chats, do you think it should be done by everyone or noone or just PvPers? Also, Do you plan on carrying the LO name on to next map?


Legacy Supporter 8
Apr 28, 2012
Dragon through ...
DefaultTexture Speaking: What do you think about trash talking in open chats, do you think it should be done by everyone or noone or just PvPers? Also, Do you plan on carrying the LO name on to next map?

Hello Default, I am not a fan of any trash talk and discourage it when and where I can, but I am not perfect(example in the above statement regarding Danialcan not being a good enough Cleric:rolleyes:.) Rarely would I say anything either way win or lose and I generally encourage my citizens to do the same. Boasting on the other hand, especially really overboard boasting such as I did before the second tournament can be fun and since you are not trash talking but up talking yourself I don't find it nearly as offensive. Everything within limits though :p

As for the next iterations, I cannot tell you. It's honestly to far away. There is a lot coming over the next 6+ months to what we have and after that who knows. I will worry about it more when it's a reality.