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[City] [Halvalor] [20] {Neutral}


Apr 25, 2011
I am good friends with the core Tree Creeper group, many of them were apart of the Ironpass kingdom prior to their leaving and formation of thornhollow and now rangpur


Aug 30, 2011
^ Agreed 100%. Just the other day I went to our joint basement to get some materials, and I noticed that nearly every chest in there (and there are many) was covered with gravel - when me, mdperk2, and kperkins1982 all have been using dirt and I verified with all 3 of us that no one replaced the dirt with gravel. So clearly someone had been snooping around in all the chests.

Furthermore, because of all the chaos and our moving to a new plot, things are kinda haphazard in there, so it was difficult to tell if a chest was stolen from. We are now going to be tracking very closely what is in all the chests until we are comfortable no one is stealing from them. It is sad that we feel the need to do this, but with the recent string of thievery, we want to keep an eye on things.

I think I can speak for mdperk and kperk, when I say that if you just ask us for something, we will try to help in whatever way we can. I can't always guarantee that we'll give whatever you need for free - but we certainly want to share with the town, and depending on what it is, I don't mind to give away various materials for free or at a good discount. We also use a lot of our materials for town purposes, such as construction projects or other town work. Now that we are officially "city architects," this will be even moreso the case. So if you need any materials or need design ideas / changes to your house, etc, please just ask us and we will try to help when we can.

Currently, we are working on expanding the new town roads and making access across the town easier, and we are also working on our new house.

This goes for everyone, but I really encourage you to get an LWC Chest. I know you three can afford it, lol.


Max Legacy Supporter
Jul 28, 2011
sadikyo has a plot in zeal, where we store all pricy stuff so snooping people aren't gonna find anything good, I guess its just the principle of logging in to find people looking through your chests


Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 28, 2011
Kentucky, USA
We will be getting one in the new plot. And yeah, I get the whole "LWC" thing as a solution to the problem of materials getting stolen, but I'm not talking about being worried about my valuables being stolen. Anything I REALLY care about is in my Zeal plot where nobody can steal from. :) I'm talking about the 20 double chests of other materials that aren't particularly valuable but that we still want, hehe.

Anyway, my point was not to just bitch about it or moan about something getting stolen -- my point was to say, hey, if you really need something, just ask me - please don't go rummaging through our chests. Yes, I'm not so naive as to think that posting this on the forums will convince the people actually doing the rummaging to stop - but hey - it's also a message just to say that clearly there are town members violating the rules. Not only that, but they're too stupid to even cover their tracks well, haha.


Aug 30, 2011
We will be getting one in the new plot. And yeah, I get the whole "LWC" thing as a solution to the problem of materials getting stolen, but I'm not talking about being worried about my valuables being stolen. Anything I REALLY care about is in my Zeal plot where nobody can steal from. :) I'm talking about the 20 double chests of other materials that aren't particularly valuable but that we still want, hehe.

Anyway, my point was not to just bitch about it or moan about something getting stolen -- my point was to say, hey, if you really need something, just ask me - please don't go rummaging through our chests. Yes, I'm not so naive as to think that posting this on the forums will convince the people actually doing the rummaging to stop - but hey - it's also a message just to say that clearly there are town members violating the rules. Not only that, but they're too stupid to even cover their tracks well, haha.

I will personally be looking into this. As I'm sure you who keep up with the general forums know, there's been a slew of thefts and betrayals in some big-name towns. I promise everyone, if I catch you stealing, whether it's one house and you never steal again or all the chests in town, I will personally beat your stupid ass everyday after we kick you out for at least a month, and bounty you everyday I can't. I may be a short-tempered asshole at times but I care about my citizens and I love my city.

Think long and hard before betraying Halvalor for a few chests of loot.


Legacy Supporter 7
Sep 29, 2011
i 'lock up' if i see a house or place that needs it.. first time i see someone in someone else house. you get one warning to get out. after that i will gank you... and it will all be recorded. :)

i want to be town cop.... lol


Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 28, 2011
Kentucky, USA
I will personally be looking into this. As I'm sure you who keep up with the general forums know, there's been a slew of thefts and betrayals in some big-name towns. I promise everyone, if I catch you stealing, whether it's one house and you never steal again or all the chests in town, I will personally beat your stupid ass everyday after we kick you out for at least a month, and bounty you everyday I can't. I may be a short-tempered asshole at times but I care about my citizens and I love my city.

Think long and hard before betraying Halvalor for a few chests of loot.

^ Nice. Agreed. I guess my first post was just a warning / disappointment. I'll definitely be following up next time.

Also, no offense to anyone who has joined recently - but maybe we should be a little more strict with who we allow in the town. We give a LOT of people second and third chances, and even let people back in that have committed past crimes, or are known associates of criminals, hehe - we're not hurting for members, so there's no reason to be so lax. I'm not saying don't let anyone in, but just...tighten the requirements a little, since we have the flexibility to do so given our numbers.

I guess what I'm saying is that for me personally, I think it's better to have 20 really good town members that contribute and are trustworthy, than to have 30 town members that are mostly good, with some bad apples in the mix, hehe.

Just a thought....


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 22, 2011
Shit let me try and add you again. i think that JF might currently be the chat leader man.
soo uhh

hey mal!


Oct 8, 2011
hey everyone i would rather have MadeOf cause i know if anyone is going to grief its going to be troll because i know these to for months and months now and iv'e hosted my own servers and if anyone griefed and i told if anyone griefs they will be banned off my server and it is always trollateder never MadeOf and i feel very strongly of this so everyone srry for this but i have to say that Trollateder was on a griefing team and was banned off almost every server i bealieve so and he is currently banned on my server also so srry Trollateder it had to be said we had a good run but you have just been not very nice to us for the last straw its nothing personal im just trying to state the truth ty everyone....


Legacy Supporter 2
May 14, 2011
lol at the alliance^ If he was banned from that many servers from griefing he wouldn't be on this server. Nice try.


Oct 8, 2011
thats not yout decision freak makes that one not you buddy plus trollateder lied about getting banned he said and i quote he told me in skype that " Im going to tell them on my app that i was not home and my friend got on my account and griefd the server i was on and i was banned". Yes that is true that he griefd all the servers he was on so beleieve me i dont have any bans so listen to me they both have griefd ok i have never got banned off of any server so trust me PLZ.