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Balance Team Application


Legacy Supporter 8
Jun 16, 2011
1. Minecraft IGN / Age: Dsawemd, 20​
2. Position applying for: Balance Team​
3. How long have you been on Herocraft?: ~1 year 7 months​
4. What's your favorite class/path?: I have played Disciple and Cleric on Zeal (Cleric on DG briefly), and only Ranger on Bastion. I enjoy Ranger the most so far, for many reasons. One: it is a class that is very powerful in a singular aspect, Range. Theoretically I can shoot someone (if I am good enough) from far enough away that I should ALWAYS win. It is impossible to be that good without cheating (and with my render distance/latency, lol) but the idea has always intrigued me.​
5. How often and in what timezone can you test?: I imagine peak hours would be the time to test with the rest of the team on, but I can be on at almost any time of the day. I am on West Coast time until May, then East.​
6. What sets you apart from other members applying for this team?: I do not know about the other applicants, but I am a mature player who will never let bias become an issue. I invite you to read any of my Suggestions, I believe I am thoughtful and fair-minded in all of them . I was recently inspired to become more active in many aspects of my life, while I have the time. The timing of my application is not a coincidence. I have taken a semester off to help out at home after my mother's back surgery (stuff like driving my siblings, groceries, you know), and I am taking just one class (Intro to Business) at a community college. I have a fair bit of free time! For the next five months. And Herocraft is an aspect of my life that I would like do more in. Have more of an active role in creating and working.​
7. Do you have any similar experience?: Only from about 1 year playing time on HC (I took longish breaks and slept a bit too) and from actively considering the balance of pvp throughout most of the time. I took a break from considering pvp aspects when I rejoined Dragongarde late, and ran MA's consistently. I do not expect to jump into this job and change PvP, I understand we test things, the community feedback tests/approves things, and the upper staff rules.​
8. Do you understand this team is for balancing current skills only?: Yes, and I think I understand why you ask. I agree to this, without fully comprehending its purpose.​
9. Can you follow directions from a team lead, no matter what they ask?: Yes. I am capable of listening and behaving VERY properly in teamspeak (During pvp test action requiring specific people directing in live time etc.) from old WOW raiding days, as well.​
10. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I was convinced to apply by leftovers5, not because of your reasons, left, but because he made me recognize that I really do enjoy making suggestions and considering the potentials of each specialization.​
Thank you for your consideration.​


Ancient Soul
Legacy Supporter 7
Remastered Tier 2 Supporter
Jan 17, 2011
Welcome to the Balance team! You should now have access to the balance subforum. Be sure to read the stickied threads carefully. Good luck!