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Balance Team App - Standman7227

Jul 30, 2011
1. Minecraft IGN / Age: Standman7227, 21​
2. Position applying for: Balance Team
3. How long have you been on Herocraft?: I have played since late zeal, I am not entirely sure of my whitelist date.​
4. What's your favorite class/path?: Rogue is my favorite path and I can't say I have a favorite spec. High damage melee classes seem to fit my playstyle best, but I dont like ninja as much as I should​
5. How often and in what timezone can you test?: I can test for about 8-10 hours a day, mostly between 5 pm - 3 am PST​
6. What sets you apart from other members applying for this team?: I have lots of ideas for how things can be changed and how things can be made better. I have tons of free time and I love testing out numbers and just seeing how things look on paper compared to how they perform in game. I am no major pvp force on the server, but I can often hold my own and due to this I can give a good impression of how the average - slightly above average player would perform in a pvp setting whereas most others such as c12 create situations where one players skill outweighs the true power of the class. I am highly dedicated to the server and love to see things improve and I feel that I can help them improve.​
7. Do you have any similar experience?: Honestly the answer would have to be no.​
8. Do you understand this team is for balancing current skills only?: I find it a shame that we aren't to balance future skills before they come in, but yes, I understand.​
9. Can you follow directions from a team lead, no matter what they ask?: I am highly dedicated and willing to follow directions so long as they don't require me to do anything I would regret. The general answer would be yes.​
10. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I'd like to use this spot to talk about a ban (at least I think I was banned). I understand that you want people in good standing with the community and this generally means that the player has no bans on record. I want to use this space to explain my ban and why it should not affect the acceptance or denial of this application.​
I believe my ban was for spawner abuse (a common theme among my family haha). The reason I don't believe this type of ban should affect my acceptance or denial is due to the fact that I never used it to hurt anyone or cause any trouble. This type of ban did not affect a single person except myself due to the fact that I really never pvped or did anything with the levels gained. At most the only thing I really did was actually test out abilities and combos on my brother and friends to see how much damage I was able to put out in a small amount of time (record is about 1000 damage in 3 seconds as a ninja :3).​
It is constantly said that I must be in good standing with the community in order to gain a staff position. Well I believe that despite the fact that I broke the rules and showed a certain level of disrespect toward the server that I still have good standing with the community. I have kept my nose relatively clean for months and try to do my best to have constructive conversations in o chat. I try to help as much as I can in tour and generally try to be the best member of the community I can be. I just hope that past mistakes will not prevent me from helping the server.​


Holy Shit!
Jun 22, 2011
Sorry Standman but you are not active enough to join the team. I know you have been on the server since Zeal, I remember pvpig on Zeal, but you have not been active enough in my opinion to be able to keep current and have first hand experience with everything we need.
Jul 30, 2011
Sorry Standman but you are not active enough to join the team. I know you have been on the server since Zeal, I remember pvpig on Zeal, but you have not been active enough in my opinion to be able to keep current and have first hand experience with everything we need.
I understand and would like to keep the application open in case you find that this map I become active and respectable enough as a player to be able to reevaluate this app. I will work my hardest to prove I have what it takes to be on the team even if my previous ban will not allow it.