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Balance Team App: Delfofthebla


Legacy Supporter 4
Retired Staff
Nov 25, 2012
United States
1. Minecraft IGN / Age: Delfofthebla / 22​
2. Position applying for: Balance Team​
3. How long have you been on Herocraft?: About 5 months or so.​
4. What's your favorite class/path?: It's a toss up between Ninja and Dragoon.
5. How often and in what timezone can you test?: I pretty much live on the 28 hour day, so it changes weekly. I live in the UTC -07:00 timezone though, so pretty much whenever during waking hours.​
6. What sets you apart from other members applying for this team?: Well, I tend to look at situations from a very analytical and statistical standpoint.​
I've also been playing video games my entire life. The primary genres I play are RPGs, MMOs, and MOBAs. I find that my extended time in these game genres have given me a decent outlook on how games "should" be played, as well as a general idea of the definition of "balance".​
But most of all, it is because I am a player who strives to be the best. I do whatever I can whenever I can to put me above the rest. Because of this, I am constantly considering new strategies and evaluating mechanics. It's due to this nature that I push any system I play in to the test--often leading to me discovering "overpowered" strategies or techniques.​
Common questions I'll ponder when playing games are: "Is this ability worthwhile?" "Should this class be able to do what it does?" "How can I use this more effectively?" ect.​
I'd also like to note that I am very active in the PVP side of Herocraft. My town and I raid on an almost daily basis, with a wide array of classes and strategies. I have a very up to date perspective on the current balance situation within Herocraft, and I do not expect that to change anytime soon.​
7. Do you have any similar experience?: I was a SBT for Heroes of Newerth. (A position where players evaluated new Heroes, Mechanics, and balance changes that were in development for the live version. This was also a bug testing position.)​
8. Do you understand this team is for balancing current skills only?: Yes.​
9. Can you follow directions from a team lead, no matter what they ask?: This sure sounds like a loaded question. Regarding testing, sure. But I am not a slave. I will listen to anything within reason, but I will not be signing over my soul.​
10. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I'm a college student that is currently working on his senior project. You will not get hundreds of hours out of my time, but I am willing to help whenever possible. I think that my knowledge and expertise could prove useful to the balance of Herocraft, and would simply like to lend a hand in my spare time.​