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Suggestion Add more specs! Change class tree!


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 28, 2011
I don't think new/more classes will actually make the server better. What the real problem is what to do with the classes. This includes content (Dungeons/Bosses) and customization (RPG-style loot/Races/Attributes). Any more classes would either take way too long to create/balance or just have redundant skills. In the case of the later, a lvl cap increase with new skills would be most logical answer.


May 28, 2013
Ok, so let's say that Legendaries were added to Herocraft. Some of the flaws of being one could be-
-Only one person with the legendary class at a time. This way not everyone can be overpowered, and the person with the class will actually be either feared or loved like an actual Legend (like a boss from a mmo).
- For each combat spec, there would be 1 legendary. You would have to master all in that category to be able to choose one of the four. ( So you would have to master all of rogue before becoming either a Ranger Legendary, Bard Legendary, Ninja Legendary, or Runeblade Legendary. Can't think of names for them at the moment.)
- And as awsumguy stated, Legendaries wouldn't be able to kill new players at base levels.
- If a Legendary is killed in PVP, they lose their Legendary class and revert back to their mastered spec, to make room for another to become a legendary. (Arena and DM don't count)


Legacy Supporter 3
Jul 7, 2013
- If a Legendary is killed in PVP, they lose their Legendary class and revert back to their mastered spec, to make room for another to become a legendary. (Arena and DM don't count)

If they lose in a fair PvP fight, they get to keep it?? That doesn't make a lot of sense to me.. That should be the way they actually lose it. You aren't very legendary if you lose in fair combat to someone not so legendary. But I do agree with the idea of only 1 per legendary class, to give people something to look forward to.

Honestly though, I think we should focus on making the undesirable classes that people call weak or underpowered better so that more people would even want to play them. What good is a class that no one really wants to play. I was thinking of Mystic, until people started telling me they were underpowered compared to other Healer specs. Dx

I also agree that we should focus on dungeons and other RPGesque features. Like quests, and respawning dungeons to level in, with random spawning loot chests?


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 17, 2013
It's content, that herocraft needs, not more of one thing.

I've seen WAY toomuch mmorpg that focus on one thing (class, weapon, etc) and adds a huge amount of stuff in it, and all the other features are left cold.

We need to balance the content, makes everything better, instead of focusing one important part.


May 28, 2013
If they lose in a fair PvP fight, they get to keep it?? That doesn't make a lot of sense to me.. That should be the way they actually lose it. You aren't very legendary if you lose in fair combat to someone not so legendary. But I do agree with the idea of only 1 per legendary class, to give people something to look forward to.
No, PoisonEdge I meant that if a Legendary loses a fair fight the lose their Legendary Status, I totally agree with you!


Legacy Supporter 2
Jun 7, 2012
- If a Legendary is killed in PVP, they lose their Legendary class and revert back to their mastered spec, to make room for another to become a legendary. (Arena and DM don't count)
Said Legendary would have to hide inside something or carry around bodyguards if he doesnt want to lose his status, because people would just go for a 10v1 gank to take it away and have one of them become a legendary.


Nov 28, 2012
1 person per legendary wouldn't be fun... There'd only be 4 people having fun at once

I think he said somewhere that each spec, not each base path, would have a legendary, meaning 16 people.

- For each combat spec, there would be 1 legendary. You would have to master all in that category to be able to choose one of the four. ( So you would have to master all of rogue before becoming either a Ranger Legendary, Bard Legendary, Ninja Legendary, or Runeblade Legendary. Can't think of names for them at the moment.)


Nov 28, 2012
I know, but at least it would be 16 people instead of four. I never said they wouldn't camp out in their towns.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jun 18, 2012
Well that makes it no good, if legendary was added it would have to be available to everyone but hard to get. Maybe it could take a large amount of coins and xp and mastered classes


May 28, 2013
Yes, legendary would be very hard to get, you have to master four classes and pay 750c each time you become a legendary. And you can lose that status.