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Search results

  1. Xilox

    Suggestion Making enchanted books useful.

    As everyone knowing that enchantment books do nothing and just makes unnecessary space. I suggest that we make use to them by a skill and call it EnchantedSight. Suggestion 1 Make Enchanter able to use the book or read it. Since I don't know the edited skills in Enchanter now, I'm guessing...
  2. Xilox

    Battlefield 4

    Is everyone in it for the Online Gaming or the Story. I got to say the ending is really cheesy.
  3. Xilox

    Epic Nostalgia

    That was the most epic fight I have ever seen! The way 3 people can lay all the hits. Way to show other servers on the start of the vid. Pagan Advertiser.
  4. Xilox

    Duckies Head Shop

    Ill buy SharpPencil's and promoteme's head for a cheesburger.
  5. Xilox


    Monster isn't the word to describe you. You make the hamburger (THE FOOD THAT ONLY GODS FEAST APON) look like it doesn't even exist. Your sir are a sad squid that plays the clarinet all the time. I feel sorry for you. But if I do see you eating a hamburger.
  6. Xilox


    ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
  7. Xilox

    Make a flag for Herocraft.

    I like them flags.
  8. Xilox

    Make a flag for Herocraft.

    Hello everyone!! I'm posting this for those who want to show their creative skills. The project is to make a flag of Herocraft. But not a image with the HC logo on it, no, make it with extra stuff that have a meaning like for example. "Add a number of swords representing the admins or first...
  9. Xilox

    Runestone Update!

    Thank you for making the redstone block usefull. I'm a little late to read this but I hoped that my post (http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/recall.34349/#post-296012) was usefull for this idea.
  10. Xilox

    [Hamlet] [LO] Rapture [22] [Neutral] - Recruiting - No Taxes

    I built Rapture with my bare hands!! Make me your God!!:cool:*I'll be a coool God*