In-game name: Yifee
Location and Age: USA and 17
Previous bans: None
Referral: Ded1, his/her signature
Reason you should you be accepted: I love building redstone machines, and houses, and well, building ^^
Additional info: Redstone! And the screenshot in Ded1's signature is awesome!
EDIT: Oh and I "probably" won't be as active Forum-wise as I enjoy playing the game more than talking about it.. Unless I'm talking about it while playing the game
EDIT2: I just looked through the forum a bit more and it seems that this place is more than meets the eye, soo... disregard the last edit.
Location and Age: USA and 17
Previous bans: None
Referral: Ded1, his/her signature
Reason you should you be accepted: I love building redstone machines, and houses, and well, building ^^
Additional info: Redstone! And the screenshot in Ded1's signature is awesome!