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Who do we blame?


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 15, 2011
The reason I'm posting this in Heroes Discussion and not suggestions, is because I'd like to get some feedback and suggestions from you, my fellow server members.

The question is simple, who do we blame?

If Person X attacks/steals from Person/Town/Guild Y, who's to blame?

Do we blame Person X as an individual?
Do we blame Person X's guilds?
Do we blame Person X's town?
Or are they all responsible?

I'd like to get your view on the matter, and hopefully, some suggestions on how we can come to a consensus as to how to lay the blame.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 13, 2011
Person Y for not using the tools that are available to prevent person X. Everyone has access them one or the other, either through donation or via the Township Mayor.

Now you might say, "My towns mayor is never on or I cant get anyone in the town to region/lwc."
Solution to that: Move to a town that will.

If you get caught with your pants down, prepare for an unpleasant experience.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 15, 2011
Raetac said:
Person Y for not using the tools that are available to prevent person X. Everyone has access them one or the other, either through donation or via the Township Mayor.

Now you might say, "My towns mayor is never on or I cant get anyone in the town to region/lwc."
Solution to that: Move to a town that will.

If you get caught with your pants down, prepare for an unpleasant experience.

I agree, if you don't protect yourself and you get robbed, then you're asking for it in my opinon.

Though that doesn't change the fact that someone has robbed you, so, prehaps to reword it, who 'robbed' you? Person X as an individual, or Person X as part of a group.

The same goes for PVP, if for instance, someone from Ori Balec attacks and kills someone from Neverast, should Neverast hold the town responsible or only the individual.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jan 17, 2011
The people should be held responsible unless they were told to go kill people of some town by the mayor. If they mayor wants them to do it then it is a town effort, if its just a couple people off on their own doing stuff, it is that group of people. If it is only one of the group, blame it on that person. A good group will raid together and be blamed together, same for a town. Chances are single people are raiding by themselves because they are raiding somewhere others don't agree with for some reason or another.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 21, 2011
AussieDingbat said:
Though that doesn't change the fact that someone has robbed you, so, prehaps to reword it, who 'robbed' you? Person X as an individual, or Person X as part of a group.

This seems to me to be more of an individual, guild, or town/kingdom choice. If someone kills you, and you have enough room in your black heart to hold a grudge against that person and all of their friends, then follow that path of vengeance and find out to whose destruction it leads. I don't believe there is a server-wide rule concerning this.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 16, 2011
Oslo, Norway
I agree with Doreagarde, its a bit what you make it. If someone pk's me in the wild I think its that person who does it. However, I get a little less trusty towards that persons town/guild, especially if I get pk'ed again by someone else from the same town/guild. So a few people from one town (guilds are pretty clear on their alignments) can ruin the reputation of a town, so I'd say if someone starts to hold a grudge against a town, first report to the mayor what members of his/her town has done something bad, so the mayor may explain if this is a town thing, or just one person stepping out of line.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 15, 2011
in my case, if i steal/kill you, blame me:

-i don't have a guild (they don't want my "bad" reputation) :(

-my mayor have no control at all of my actions, one of the reason I'm still in Silverwyn, it's cause they need citizen ;) (and being from a KOE town, protect the others towns from my exploration)

the whole responsibility fact depend of the guild/town: if your guild/town are know "evil", then they have the responsibility too