Additional Info: Well, I'm relatively new to the MC world in general, but the community and creative building is a great way to unload some free time between college classes and studying. In single player I've created some castles and mountain fortresses, I wish I could have made them in real life or transfer the files from the home desktop to my laptop for screenshots XD Anyway, I suppose if you want a story, I wrote a horror story for Halloween about thousands of spiders startling a couple in bed in the early morning, and even though the main protagonist male thought it was a dream after he opened his eyes and sat up in bed, after experiencing spiders crawling all over him, in reality his girlfriend was really cold and.. cliffhanger! I wrote the story for the Writer's Den at UCLA where I go to. Good times, but I regress. Anyway, I hope to be whitelisted and be a part of the community. I look forward to feeling and being useful to others, like the guilds I created in Vindictus and Rakion and the large Mumble community I formed in League of Legends. I'm quite a gamer, and new cool creative things to do with friends hook me
I don't know what else I need to put, so I'll leave this app at that for now.
I don't know what else I need to put, so I'll leave this app at that for now.