- Joined
- Mar 14, 2012
- In-game name: Dr__Zed
- Location & Age: Las Vegas NV, 16
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): none
- Referral(s): N/A
- Reason you should be accepted: I have a fair amount of experience with many plug-ins on this server. The main one being the Class plugin, accept role-playing was frowned upon on my last server and i didn't like the idea of that. I have relatively high positions on many other servers and could easily get a reference from another if necessary.
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: I found this while looking at server's on minestatus, and the fact that this server had a class system caught my eye.
- Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: Yes.
- Additional Info: I like to help out whenever I can, but sometimes I may get into character a little to seriously. In these cases I may sound viscous but it's generally justifiable. I love to look at different aspects of plugins so if there are any bug's I'll be able to report them to you guys here on the forums.