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Whitelist application (Runeeddy31)


Dec 5, 2012
Minecraft In-game name: Runeeddy31

Location & Age: New York, 15

Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): I got banned from MineZ for hacking cause My friends and I got some good armor and weapons and start killing EVERY player and zombie. Then we dominated the town for the next 10 minutes, then they spawn a load of zombies on us and 2 of us got banned and the others got killed. Probably because the two of us where like back to back inside a building and maybe our reach was too far or attack speed was too fast. But all it said for me was Banned hacked client.

Also got temp banned on NemesisCraft twice (unbanned at the moment) first time was from an abusive admin I killed so doesn't really count. Second time I tried exposing a hacker by asking him a question only nodus users would know (hey does it appear [hey]2x for the admins) hoping he will respond yes and I can take a screenshot, but someone took a screenshot of me saying that and the owner presumed I was hacking. Like I said before though I am currently unbanned on NemesisCraft

Referral(s): TheBlackReaper1321

How did you hear about Herocraft?: A Friend (theblackreaper1321)

Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?:Not yet, but I plan on when I get whitelisted and go on the server (I want to be able to get the items for voting so I don't have to wait, and i'll be able to claim right away)

Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS?: Yes I have, and I agree.

Reason you should be accepted: first I read the rules so that's always a good first step. I'm also a knowledge minecraft player and very helpful too. I hope to spread my knowledge as well as friendliest to the community of HeroCraft and get to know everyone and make some new friends on Skype.

I can't provide much except my time and tactics to the other players in hope of creating the best town ever

Special key (DON'T LEAVE BLANK!): HCR10

Additional Info: Well first, I am mainly a faction server guy. The only thing I am skilled at in minecraft is making unraidable bases, (my project unraidable) :) , getting inside "unraidable" bases, as well as tactics, strategy, and conservation of resources. I have a little architect in me, but its not my strong point, just a minor skill I have. I am also good at making agreements of any reason with other people.

I am also a kind of guy that CAN'T be a member of something and I HAVE to be leader lol. I might join a temp town at first, but eventually my main goal will be the owner of one of the greatest towns on the server.

I don't know how active I will be for herocraft ATM, because I already have a main server (CurseCraft) a faction server, which our faction is still doing pretty well on, so I do not want to quit, and neither do my members.

I am also kind of a smartie in school, and my parents are kinda strict about it too and want me to get extremely high grades (which I do but is apparently not enough for them -___- ) so they restrict my playing time a lot as well, so the time I do have, I try to spend with my faction members on CurseCraft since I am the leader.

I am on Skype though a lot, so you can always message me whenever, and as for screenshots, like I said before, I really only play faction servers usually (hunger games, ghostcraft, MineZ, and friends servers are exceptions) so my main skill in building is Project Unraidable and maybe a little interior designing, which isn't that great either.

Sorry if this application is a little too long cause when I say the example applications, they were MUCH shorter than this, but this is just a general overview if me. More details if you wanna talk on Skype or something. Thanks for your time.


Dec 5, 2012
Uhm hello, I just want to say its been close to 47 hours, and still no response. I completely understand if you are still reviewing, but if you could possibly give me a quick update, that would be great, thanks! (Sorry If I broke any rules by replying to this thread in this content)


Jan 24, 2012
Sorry, but for some reasons my posts are not connecting with the server.
Runeeddy31, Congratulations! I am hereby white listing you to Herocraft. Enjoy :)
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