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Whitelist Application Form for: dufirelord

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Dec 17, 2012
In-Game Name: dufirelord​
Location: USA​
Age: 14 (Please don't exploit)​
Previous Bans: -none-​
Referral(s): I was not referred here by anyone, as stated in the following answer.​
How did you here about Herocraft?: I just searched for role playing servers on <minecraft-server-list.com/sort/RP>.​
Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS?: Yes​
Reason you should be accepted: I am a total MMORPG guy, and I pretty fond of Minecraft too, so I thought that this would be really cool.​
Special Key: HCd10​
Additional Info: This is my friend and I's account, we share it. I thought this might be important in case anything comes up or something. I am not a particularly great builder, but I'm fairly good at making a nice home. Like most other players, I have MCOCD (MineCraft Obsessive Compulsive Dissorder). In the slim chance you've never heard of that, it's when your buildings have to be just perfect, and everything is exact. I love to be helpful wherever I can. I like making friends and being a big team player, I play another MMO called "Grand Fantasia," and I am the Priest, which means the team depends big time on me the heal/revive them. I really have no complaints about doing so, that's what I'm all about! Thank you for your time and patience, I await your response.​


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 21, 2011

I noticed you stated that you share this account with your friend.

Please be advised any issues that are caused by the account are your sole responsibility.
We do not accept the excuse "My friend did it" in a ban appeal.
Bans are on the account, not the person!

Please acknowledge if you understand.


Dec 17, 2012
Sorry that I have not been able to respond in such a long time, I have had some difficulty logging in with my Steam account, and have not been able to get on (on vacation). I understand and will abide by these and all other terms. Thank you for your time in evaluating my Whitelist application. Again, I agree and have no intention of breaking this term, my friend has been acknowledged and says that he won't even use this server unless he has been updated on any progress and/or events by myself, and visa-verse.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 21, 2011
It seems that you have the maturity to join Herocraft, so on behalf of the staff, Welcome Aboard!
Please check your PM's!


Dec 17, 2012
Thank you very much, but actually, I just got my own full account.:cool: I am so sory for the inconvinience, but if you would be so kind as to Whitelist the account: Jdmeesey My friend has been informed already and is willing to give up a Whitelist under dufirelord if you decide to do so in order for me to play. Also, I can fill out another form for my account (Jdmeesey) if you need me to do so. Thank you for your time.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 21, 2011
Thank you very much, but actually, I just got my own full account.:cool: I am so sory for the inconvinience, but if you would be so kind as to Whitelist the account: Jdmeesey My friend has been informed already and is willing to give up a Whitelist under dufirelord if you decide to do so in order for me to play. Also, I can fill out another form for my account (Jdmeesey) if you need me to do so. Thank you for your time.
You'll need to file a new app under the account you'll be using.
I'll un-whitelist this one.
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