1. IGN: imafirinmalazers
2. Loc/Age: USA, 23
3. Previous Bans: none
4. Referrals: none
5. Found Server: Minecraft servers webpage
6. Voted: yes all links
7. Sub'd Youtube Channel: no
8. Agree to ToS and EULA: yes
9. Special Key: HCI16
10. Reason to accept: Mature, and friendly player, with a very creative architectural style of building that has always added to the mood of previous servers.
2. Loc/Age: USA, 23
3. Previous Bans: none
4. Referrals: none
5. Found Server: Minecraft servers webpage
6. Voted: yes all links
7. Sub'd Youtube Channel: no
8. Agree to ToS and EULA: yes
9. Special Key: HCI16
10. Reason to accept: Mature, and friendly player, with a very creative architectural style of building that has always added to the mood of previous servers.