1. In-game name: Hirudegan
2. Location and Age: Southern California; 24
3. Previous bans: N/A
4. Referral: Figgis
5. Reason you should you be accepted: Enjoy playing Minecraft and helping others gather supplies/build structures, but my favorite part of the game is the unique focus on bivouacing.
6. Additional info: WoTD (on dictionary.com)=bivouac; very relevant to Minecraft.
2. Location and Age: Southern California; 24
3. Previous bans: N/A
4. Referral: Figgis
5. Reason you should you be accepted: Enjoy playing Minecraft and helping others gather supplies/build structures, but my favorite part of the game is the unique focus on bivouacing.
6. Additional info: WoTD (on dictionary.com)=bivouac; very relevant to Minecraft.