- Joined
- Nov 17, 2012
In-game name: Dahamburgler
Location and Age: Washington, 22
Previous Bans: None
Referral(s): None
Have you voted for Herocraft?: No but I will at the first instance possible (I share a computer with my girlfriend, who voted for a friend's server earlier today).
Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS: Yes, of course.
Reason you should be accepted: I have read over the wiki on your server and have become familiar with the server rules. I love to build and farm in minecraft and I think it would be very interesting to play on a server as extravagant as Herocraft, with its classes and quests. Additionally, I like to help out other people, so once I become familiar with the server in-game, I can help to get new players started (as I hope someone will do for me). If I am accepted into a town, I hope I can find a place where I can help to build it up and help it to thrive.
How did you hear about Herocraft?: I was on minecraftservers.net looking for an interesting new minecraft server when I saw this one toward the top of the rating list, and even the home page blew me away.
Special Key: {HCD12}
Additional Information: I am a graduate student at Western Washington University and have had minecraft since it was in alpha. I have build various structures, but the one I am most proud of is a three dimensional maze that is 128x128x64 blocks and whose paths were constructed to stump any of the normal maze solving algorithms. This was created without worldedit or any sort of mod that would facilitate speed building (Although it was build in creative). To include a screenshot would be boring, since it just looks like a big purple square from outside.
Thank you for your consideration,
Colebrook Jackson
Location and Age: Washington, 22
Previous Bans: None
Referral(s): None
Have you voted for Herocraft?: No but I will at the first instance possible (I share a computer with my girlfriend, who voted for a friend's server earlier today).
Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS: Yes, of course.
Reason you should be accepted: I have read over the wiki on your server and have become familiar with the server rules. I love to build and farm in minecraft and I think it would be very interesting to play on a server as extravagant as Herocraft, with its classes and quests. Additionally, I like to help out other people, so once I become familiar with the server in-game, I can help to get new players started (as I hope someone will do for me). If I am accepted into a town, I hope I can find a place where I can help to build it up and help it to thrive.
How did you hear about Herocraft?: I was on minecraftservers.net looking for an interesting new minecraft server when I saw this one toward the top of the rating list, and even the home page blew me away.
Special Key: {HCD12}
Additional Information: I am a graduate student at Western Washington University and have had minecraft since it was in alpha. I have build various structures, but the one I am most proud of is a three dimensional maze that is 128x128x64 blocks and whose paths were constructed to stump any of the normal maze solving algorithms. This was created without worldedit or any sort of mod that would facilitate speed building (Although it was build in creative). To include a screenshot would be boring, since it just looks like a big purple square from outside.
Thank you for your consideration,
Colebrook Jackson