In-game name: alecslo
Location and Age: California 16
Previous bans: none
Referral: forum browsing
Reason you should you be accepted: I have a desire to join and work with a group and am willing to be flexible in order to do so, I am not overly aggressive, annoying or immature. The main reason I want to join is to work with a group on projects/interact with others on a good server and not to simply pick fights.
Additional info:This is a redone application from the minecraft forums that sent me here. Otherwise there is nothing that I wish to specifically state, but feel free to message me if you want to ask me anything.
Location and Age: California 16
Previous bans: none
Referral: forum browsing
Reason you should you be accepted: I have a desire to join and work with a group and am willing to be flexible in order to do so, I am not overly aggressive, annoying or immature. The main reason I want to join is to work with a group on projects/interact with others on a good server and not to simply pick fights.
Additional info:This is a redone application from the minecraft forums that sent me here. Otherwise there is nothing that I wish to specifically state, but feel free to message me if you want to ask me anything.