There is no way?! Cant that be from lag? My pc is really shitty =/.I swear to you Kainzo I dont use illegal mods, ffs idk how to even find or hack anything.
12-2-10? I just recently started playing the server again?!
Well, since I cant convince you =/. Is it a perm ban...And did I lose all my levels, I was grinding ALL day. LEGALLY.
Err, damn I play alot. Yesterday I played since I woke up soo 8-10 hours straight. Grinding, I was trying to get pray on Pally *sigh*.
The problem is that we've NEVER seen anything like this before. Not with every person on the server who lags just as bad, if not worse than you. How many hours per day would you say you play? (Just for reference).
Ive never seen that before either, IDK how that even happend T.T. If I get a new PC can I join again. How can I even hack your server, I dont understand.
so many questions, sorry =/
Should I stop trying to get unbanned. =/ Is it a sure thing?
Yes ma'am.