1. Minecraft IGN: Wo0T
2. Position applying for: Website Designer AND/OR Coding Team
3. Age: 18
4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of the United States): Eastern
5. Previous work (please include links if possible!): nothing public really, but I've been working with PHP for a while now (a few years), and I've been working with Java, which has come easy to me, since around christmas.
6. What are your areas of expertise?: PHP and Java
7. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I'd like to work together with experienced people, so I can both do what I love to do (program), and perhaps learn a thing or two.
8. How long have you been playing Minecraft?: around january of 2010
9. How long have you been on Herocraft?: never played here before
10. What is your level of Java experience?: intermediate
11. Please list any previous plugin creations you may have developed.: nothing public, but a giant plugin that had quite a few features in it making minecraft more RPG like.
edit: I may have put this in the wrong section now that I look at it more carefully, I followed a link to the board and thought that I went back to the index of the section containing that topic, but I must've been mistaken.
2. Position applying for: Website Designer AND/OR Coding Team
3. Age: 18
4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of the United States): Eastern
5. Previous work (please include links if possible!): nothing public really, but I've been working with PHP for a while now (a few years), and I've been working with Java, which has come easy to me, since around christmas.
6. What are your areas of expertise?: PHP and Java
7. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I'd like to work together with experienced people, so I can both do what I love to do (program), and perhaps learn a thing or two.
8. How long have you been playing Minecraft?: around january of 2010
9. How long have you been on Herocraft?: never played here before
10. What is your level of Java experience?: intermediate
11. Please list any previous plugin creations you may have developed.: nothing public, but a giant plugin that had quite a few features in it making minecraft more RPG like.
edit: I may have put this in the wrong section now that I look at it more carefully, I followed a link to the board and thought that I went back to the index of the section containing that topic, but I must've been mistaken.