• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
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Legacy Supporter 9
Mar 22, 2012
Ohio, United States of America
Town Name: Erebor
Mayor: Guardian787
SIC: LadyDutch
Location of Town: North West
Misc Info: Erebor is the location of the great fortress Kingdom Under the Mountain.
Members: 75
Region: 112 Chunks
Daily Tax: 1%

Nation: Valarian Order
Towns In Nation:
  • Erebor (Capitol)
  • Aldenshire
  • Valstelis


We did not make the above video, but it is a nice soundtrack that fits our town.


(The main people behind all town operations)
  • King Under the Mountain: [Prophet] Guardian787
  • Steward of Erebor: LadyDutch
(Members who have proven themselves to the town, they help lead the town with the leaders.
Council members also inherit the Exchequers rank)

  • Aneriel
  • Phoenixprime
  • Toadmare
(Responsible for handling bank related matters and town economics)
  • n/a
(Responsible for updating the town board and keeping members up-to-date on town news)
  • n/a
(Responsible for recruiting, helping new town members, and answering questions)
  • Bunyip0
  • MonsTheSexy
  • pyrohunter49
(Our elite pvp players, these people take command of guards and military pushes)
  • Digger360
(Responsible for training and defending the town, when a Call to Arms happens, guards respond)
  • NickWade
  • thewhizkids
  • xDarkSecrett
(Normal members who are the heart of our kingdom, they help in a variety of ways)
  • Aguares
  • Arcan1x
  • Asdfmoviefan102
  • austin1965
  • babyvalentine
  • Bacia
  • Bane604
  • Bayou_Spirit
  • Chilli_Bandit
  • Doogler
  • Dr_Whitestuff
  • gabriellzaoo
  • Icestarman
  • itstheUndergrad
  • JazzyDemon
  • JohnWillson
  • Kankardan
  • Kazukii
  • Kurrelgyre
  • kyshfyr123
  • Lumify
  • MarryMePlease
  • Nabesto
  • Phoenixforever
  • radicater11
  • SilentVolts
  • Sir_Hammelot
  • SiredFox
  • SlyhealB
  • SuperWeegeeGamer
  • Szatanista
  • Thatpeaoverthere
  • themanbruv
  • Tiddlywinx
  • Zeothix

  1. Follow server rules.
  2. Don't attack other town members (unless they agree to pvp).
  3. Respect all town members and their property.
  4. Try to be honorable as well as aid others.
  5. No inappropriate language.
  6. DO NOT mine into the town walls or mine in the city! This brings security issues and will make the town unsafe and may result in serious consequences.
  7. MUST have Teamspeak!
  8. MUST help contribute to the city.
  9. MUST be at least 16 years of age.
  10. If you DO NOT PAY TAXES for more than 2 WEEKS without notice you will be removed from the town.

  1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Time Zone?
  4. How long have you played HC?
  5. How often are you active in game?
  6. What class are you? What Level?
  7. What profession are you? What Level?
  8. Other Towns you were a part of?
  9. Why do you want to join Erebor?
  10. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement?
  11. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic?
  12. Have you read our rules?
Last edited:
Aug 22, 2013
1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? Tyrion_Halfman
2. How old are you? 24
3. Time zone? GMT+1
4. How long have you played HC? 3 years of and on
5. How often are you active in game? I plan to be frequently active with the new world reset and when I find a good town.
6. What class are you? Dreadknight
7. What profession are you? Crafter lvl 20, what I pick depends on what's needed for the town (prefer Smith or enchanter)
8. Other town you werd part of? None in recent history
9. Why do you want to join Erebor? It's A new town and I would Like to be a part of a the foundation of the town. Help build and expand, help new Players. And it sounds Like a great concept for a town.
10. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement? Absolutely
11. Do you have teamspeak and a mic? Not at the moment and yes, but I'll download it the moment I'm accepted.
12. Have you read our rules? Yes


Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 25, 2012
Austin, TX
1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? Tyrion_Halfman
2. How old are you? 24
3. Time zone? GMT+1
4. How long have you played HC? 3 years of and on
5. How often are you active in game? I plan to be frequently active with the new world reset and when I find a good town.
6. What class are you? Dreadknight
7. What profession are you? Crafter lvl 20, what I pick depends on what's needed for the town (prefer Smith or enchanter)
8. Other town you werd part of? None in recent history
9. Why do you want to join Erebor? It's A new town and I would Like to be a part of a the foundation of the town. Help build and expand, help new Players. And it sounds Like a great concept for a town.
10. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement? Absolutely
11. Do you have teamspeak and a mic? Not at the moment and yes, but I'll download it the moment I'm accepted.
12. Have you read our rules? Yes

Accepted, get with either myself or @Guardian787 in game for more details.


Glowing Redstone
Aug 15, 2013
  1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? CosmosSage
  2. How old are you? 17
  3. Time Zone? Central America
  4. How long have you played HC? since August of 2013.
  5. How often are you active in game? I'm a highschool student in an early college, so my activity will depend on the work.
  6. What class are you? Currently a druid, but I can be ANY class that is needed. I may switch it, anyways.
  7. What profession are you? Crafter
  8. Other Towns you were part of? Axiom
  9. Why do you want to join Erebor? I want to have fun with other people in PvP, and the name sounds like the place in WoW.
  10. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement? Yes sirey!
  11. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? I have both, but the mic is bulit in to a laptop
  12. Have you read our rules? I have read it thoroughly, and I shall adhere to the rules!
  13. The meritorious Celvick is the one that informed me of this town!


Glowing Redstone
Jan 30, 2014
  1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? Xxspaz_addictxX
  2. How old are you? 16
  3. Time Zone? PST
  4. How long have you played HC? 1 year
  5. How often are you active in game? can be if i get back into it
  6. What class are you? lostsoul want to be roue
  7. What profession are you? Crafter want to be Enchanter
  8. Other Towns you were part of? None
  9. Why do you want to join Erebor? I need a place to be
  10. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement? yes
  11. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? yes
  12. Have you read our rules? yes


Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 25, 2012
Austin, TX
  1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? CosmosSage
  2. How old are you? 17
  3. Time Zone? Central America
  4. How long have you played HC? since August of 2013.
  5. How often are you active in game? I'm a highschool student in an early college, so my activity will depend on the work.
  6. What class are you? Currently a druid, but I can be ANY class that is needed. I may switch it, anyways.
  7. What profession are you? Crafter
  8. Other Towns you were part of? Axiom
  9. Why do you want to join Erebor? I want to have fun with other people in PvP, and the name sounds like the place in WoW.
  10. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement? Yes sirey!
  11. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? I have both, but the mic is bulit in to a laptop
  12. Have you read our rules? I have read it thoroughly, and I shall adhere to the rules!
  13. The meritorious Celvick is the one that informed me of this town!
  1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? Xxspaz_addictxX
  2. How old are you? 16
  3. Time Zone? PST
  4. How long have you played HC? 1 year
  5. How often are you active in game? can be if i get back into it
  6. What class are you? lostsoul want to be roue
  7. What profession are you? Crafter want to be Enchanter
  8. Other Towns you were part of? None
  9. Why do you want to join Erebor? I need a place to be
  10. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement? yes
  11. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? yes
  12. Have you read our rules? yes

Both accepted. Private Message Guardian787 to be invited


May 30, 2014
  1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? - tasoth0
  2. How old are you? - 18
  3. Time Zone? - CEST
  4. How long have you played HC? - 2 days ( registered year ago )
  5. How often are you active in game? - quite often since those two days
  6. What class are you? - Ninja ( Probably will change to Runeblade)
  7. What profession are you? - Crafter (Alchemist, Engineer or Runesmith in future)
  8. Other Towns you were part of? - no
  9. Why do you want to join Erebor? - looking for luck and some good community
  10. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement? - yes
  11. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? - yes
  12. Have you read our rules? - yes, i did


Legacy Supporter 4
Retired Staff
Nov 8, 2013
1.what is your IGN (case sensitive)?-Isaacplaysmc2015
2.how old are you?-16
3.time zone?- Central America
4.how long have you played HC-since August 2014.
5.How often are you active in game?-I'm always active on weekends but on school days not very much it would depend on How much work I have
6.what class are you?-Dragoon
7.what profession are you?-crafter and I can change to what ever is needed.
8.other towns your were part of?-this will be the 2nd town I have ever joined the first was storm wind.
9.why do you want to join Erebor?-for protection, to help out, and for fun.
10.are you ok with paying a tax requirement?-absolutely
11.do you have team speaking a mic?-yes I do.
12.have you read our rules?-yes I have.


Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 25, 2012
Austin, TX
  1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? - tasoth0
  2. How old are you? - 18
  3. Time Zone? - CEST
  4. How long have you played HC? - 2 days ( registered year ago )
  5. How often are you active in game? - quite often since those two days
  6. What class are you? - Ninja ( Probably will change to Runeblade)
  7. What profession are you? - Crafter (Alchemist, Engineer or Runesmith in future)
  8. Other Towns you were part of? - no
  9. Why do you want to join Erebor? - looking for luck and some good community
  10. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement? - yes
  11. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? - yes
  12. Have you read our rules? - yes, i did
1.what is your IGN (case sensitive)?-Isaacplaysmc2015
2.how old are you?-16
3.time zone?- Central America
4.how long have you played HC-since August 2014.
5.How often are you active in game?-I'm always active on weekends but on school days not very much it would depend on How much work I have
6.what class are you?-Dragoon
7.what profession are you?-crafter and I can change to what ever is needed.
8.other towns your were part of?-this will be the 2nd town I have ever joined the first was storm wind.
9.why do you want to join Erebor?-for protection, to help out, and for fun.
10.are you ok with paying a tax requirement?-absolutely
11.do you have team speaking a mic?-yes I do.
12.have you read our rules?-yes I have.

Both accepted, PM Guardian787 in game to continue.

Welcome to Erebos!


Jun 1, 2013
  1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? FlazhFire
  2. How old are you? 17
  3. Time Zone? EST
  4. How long have you played HC? about a year or so?
  5. How often are you active in game? for weekdays im on during the afternoon, weekends i'll be on more often
  6. What class are you? Dragoon
  7. What profession are you? lvl 20 crafter
  8. Other Towns you were part of? Cant remember, but i was part of 2 last map
  9. Why do you want to join Erebor? I need a company :'(
  10. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement? as long as its reasonable
  11. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? yes
  12. Have you read our rules? yup


Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 25, 2012
Austin, TX
  1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? FlazhFire
  2. How old are you? 17
  3. Time Zone? EST
  4. How long have you played HC? about a year or so?
  5. How often are you active in game? for weekdays im on during the afternoon, weekends i'll be on more often
  6. What class are you? Dragoon
  7. What profession are you? lvl 20 crafter
  8. Other Towns you were part of? Cant remember, but i was part of 2 last map
  9. Why do you want to join Erebor? I need a company :'(
  10. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement? as long as its reasonable
  11. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? yes
  12. Have you read our rules? yup

Accepted! Please PM Guardian787 or myself in game to continue.


Jan 31, 2013
  1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? Sir_Hammelot
  2. How old are you? 18
  3. Time Zone?
  4. How long have you played HC? about 2 years
  5. How often are you active in game? 1 to 3 times a week
  6. What class are you? Necromancer
  7. What profession are you? Crafter but thinks of smith
  8. Other Towns you were part of? none i made my own village of buldings
  9. Why do you want to join Erebor? i want to join because i like to play in a town and be helpfull
  10. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement? yes but if i could i would not pay taxes
  11. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? yes
  12. Have you read our rules? yes
Sep 7, 2015
  1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? AscendedParadox
  2. How old are you? 16
  3. Time Zone? EST (EDT)
  4. How long have you played HC? few hours
  5. How often are you active in game? will be on most days
  6. What class are you? ninja
  7. What profession are you? crafter-undecided
  8. Other Towns you were part of? never part of another town but have applied to other towns
  9. Why do you want to join Erebor? i'm looking for a fun group of people to play with and teach me about herocraft
  10. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement? yes
  11. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? yes
  12. Have you read our rules? yes


Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 25, 2012
Austin, TX
  1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? Sir_Hammelot
  2. How old are you? 18
  3. Time Zone?
  4. How long have you played HC? about 2 years
  5. How often are you active in game? 1 to 3 times a week
  6. What class are you? Necromancer
  7. What profession are you? Crafter but thinks of smith
  8. Other Towns you were part of? none i made my own village of buldings
  9. Why do you want to join Erebor? i want to join because i like to play in a town and be helpfull
  10. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement? yes but if i could i would not pay taxes
  11. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? yes
  12. Have you read our rules? yes

Accepted! Please Get with either myself or Guardian787 in game to continue. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.


Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 25, 2012
Austin, TX
  1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? AscendedParadox
  2. How old are you? 16
  3. Time Zone? EST (EDT)
  4. How long have you played HC? few hours
  5. How often are you active in game? will be on most days
  6. What class are you? ninja
  7. What profession are you? crafter-undecided
  8. Other Towns you were part of? never part of another town but have applied to other towns
  9. Why do you want to join Erebor? i'm looking for a fun group of people to play with and teach me about herocraft
  10. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement? yes
  11. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? yes
  12. Have you read our rules? yes

Accepted! Please get with either myself or Guardian787 in game to continue. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.


Dec 17, 2014
  1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? PlasterGoat
  2. How old are you? 22
  3. Time Zone? PST
  4. How long have you played HC? I have played since the start of the last map
  5. How often are you active in game? I am active on Tuesday, Saturday, and Sunday from 3pm-8am. (I work 12 hour shifts in a warehouse so I need to sleep on the days I work.
  6. What class are you? Necromancer
  7. What profession are you? Crafter (Plan on becoming a miner or alchemist to get nether quartz/nether wart when I can tp there as a Necro)
  8. Other Towns you were part of? I ran Asgard on the last map
  9. Why do you want to join Erebor? I really enjoy deep mountain towns/cities. Most of my homes are in caves and mountains. I'm also a big fan of LOTR. I was planning on making a deep mountain town but now that I see you have built that I would like to contribute. It's a lot more rewarding to contribute to someone else's project than to start my own.
  10. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement? Absolutely
  11. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? Yes
  12. Have you read our rules? Yes


Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 25, 2012
Austin, TX
  1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? PlasterGoat
  2. How old are you? 22
  3. Time Zone? PST
  4. How long have you played HC? I have played since the start of the last map
  5. How often are you active in game? I am active on Tuesday, Saturday, and Sunday from 3pm-8am. (I work 12 hour shifts in a warehouse so I need to sleep on the days I work.
  6. What class are you? Necromancer
  7. What profession are you? Crafter (Plan on becoming a miner or alchemist to get nether quartz/nether wart when I can tp there as a Necro)
  8. Other Towns you were part of? I ran Asgard on the last map
  9. Why do you want to join Erebor? I really enjoy deep mountain towns/cities. Most of my homes are in caves and mountains. I'm also a big fan of LOTR. I was planning on making a deep mountain town but now that I see you have built that I would like to contribute. It's a lot more rewarding to contribute to someone else's project than to start my own.
  10. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement? Absolutely
  11. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? Yes
  12. Have you read our rules? Yes

Accepted! Please get with either myself or Guardian787 in game to continue. Feel free to ask any questions.