The purpose of this thread is to protect townships from potential theives and trouble makers. If you're stolen from, harassed or are given trouble from a townie, you are able to warn other towns before they take that same person in too. I'm reviving this thread that was around last map and hope it helps you guys out.
Only town mayors may post
Note: Only logblock, mod confirmed theives/troublemakers may be posted.
One post per mayor, keep editing it by adding names. Here is the format:
Offender - offense - mod/admin who confirmed
ex.) Neotetro - Mass town theft - Xanipher
If you want to appeal a blacklisting, do so in a private message to me.
The Blacklist
C4ruso - confirmed by Thamerwaste/Bearcat - Booted 2 weeks ago
Masterman229 - Self confessed - stole because he was bored with the town
Mrfly007 - joined town, knew raiders from Erobos, opened blocks for them, let them in, and out
Cerheal - stole from multiple members of town, let raiders in. Banned for malicious intent
Kaosi - Block logged - Gained trust from Town member became one of the leader figures and stole from us blind.
Sahee - Confirmed vandalism by mods/guides - New member week later vandalized 30 chest and then ran away.
Tabletop1000 - Confessed - Let people in region/ Destroyed all crops/ Let ppl to the dogs farm to kill them For Coins
01somebody- Stealing from citizens- Neotetro
AgentXenon - Cleaned town of items, dumped chests after a misunderstanding between town members.
Bendizzle - Town theft
Bajinga - Town theft - Bendizzle is his partner
Awhitespot1 - Joined town with malicious intent, robbed them.
_kittygotwet_ - Robbed fellow citizens in Canterlot
JonJur - Multiple town thefts
Kahzo - Joined unholy, emptied town of contents and left.
Belfis - Griefing, left offensive signs and stole from his town and fled to another.
Straightupinsane - Joined multiple towns, stole from each of them.
Falker57 - Stole from town he had regions to.