• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
    Read up on the guides and new systems! Here.
    View the LIVE Map here @ hc.to/map
    Stuck or have a problem? use "/pe create" to to open a ticket with staff (There are some known issues and other hotfixes we will be pushing asap)
  • Guest, Make sure to use our LAUNCHER! Read more here!

The Ark


Legacy Supporter 3
May 29, 2015
  • "Here lies the last remnants of a once magical land..."
~Theron, the last wizard of the Ark

Welcome to "The Ark," the last place of solace for magicians seeking new discoveries in the world of the arcane. Survivors of the great cataclysm who seek solace within our keep may apply here and gain acceptance among the ranks of magicians and warriors alike.

Our keep lies within the ribcage of the land--a massive arch that shelters our deep research into the arcane mysteries of Herocraft. Survival is harsh, with many seeking the bounty of our studies. In order to make it, you must be able to fend for yourself and defend the town as if your life depended upon it, because it very well may.

The rules are simple, but crucial.

1. Do not grief any town structures whatsoever. This includes building without permission. Gaining permission to build only requires a simple discussion with the head builder.

2. No stealing. Accessing any private chests without explicit permission from a fellow scholar will immediately result in trial and possible ejection.

3. Be careful of engineering devices. Unlike building structures, which can be replaced easily, many of the engineer structures within the town require an engineer to repair them. Be careful when mining into walls.

4. Do not strip mine underneath the city, as it is a security breach.

5. In your application, under the question "What is your favorite number" say 17, failing to do so will result in immediate denial.

6. Do not leave doors open, ever. This is a large one. Those who seek the knowledge of our town will cease at nothing to breach our main defenses. This must not happen, as the results could be disastrous.

7. Do not give out door codes to anyone who isn't a town member. The same reasoning applies here as the previous rule.

8. If a towns asks for help, help them. Simply put, this town is a community, work together.

9. Do not lock any chest that isn't your personal chest.

10. Don't be disrespectful. Have fun, and enjoy your time within the town. There are differences between humor and being outright mean. Make sure you know them.

11. You may only apply once. Reapplication will not be accepted.

12. Applying at level 30 or higher, or already having a profession (other than crafter) will greatly increase your chances of being accepted

Leader: Charger134
Lead Engineer: iAlchemist
Lead Builder: TESTIFICAT
Warlord: Zylot


Hero Class and level:
Hero Profession and Level:
When did you start playing Herocraft:
Did you read the rules and agree to them?:
What is your favorite number?:
What type of minecraft player are you?
(Pvper, Builder, Farmer, etc.):
Do you have macromod or the Herocraft mod pack?:

Thank you for reading, I greatly hope you apply. Have a nice day.

Keep seeking knowledge.


Balance Team
Adventure Team
Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 27, 2012
Keep working guys, would like to see heaps of recruiting going on. It's been fun fighting against you guys


Jan 5, 2017
IGN: mcdolan
Hero Class and level: 38 wizard atm
Hero Profession and Level: 7 crafter, plan to address that in a bit :p
When did you start playing Herocraft: just very recently, but I've played my fair share of minecraft as well as other popular heroes servers and I am well knowledged in Minecraft pvp
Did you read the rules and agree to them?: You know it
What is your favorite number?: 16.99, but I guess it can be rounded up to 17 depending on my mood
What type of minecraft player are you?
(Pvper, Builder, Farmer, etc.): I love to PvP and socialize, I'm an active player of whatever game I'm playing so you should expect to see me on a lot :D
Do you have macromod or the Herocraft mod pack?: Yes I do


Legacy Supporter 3
May 29, 2015
IGN: mcdolan
Hero Class and level: 38 wizard atm
Hero Profession and Level: 7 crafter, plan to address that in a bit :p
When did you start playing Herocraft: just very recently, but I've played my fair share of minecraft as well as other popular heroes servers and I am well knowledged in Minecraft pvp
Did you read the rules and agree to them?: You know it
What is your favorite number?: 16.99, but I guess it can be rounded up to 17 depending on my mood
What type of minecraft player are you?
(Pvper, Builder, Farmer, etc.): I love to PvP and socialize, I'm an active player of whatever game I'm playing so you should expect to see me on a lot :D
Do you have macromod or the Herocraft mod pack?: Yes I do
I like your application, so I'll be talking to the bossman about it. You're basically under review at the moment--the application procedures are a bit stringent due to the build and we're always a bit pensive about directly adding players we don't know. Expect me to contact you in-game to get a feel of how you are.


Jan 5, 2017
I like your application, so I'll be talking to the bossman about it. You're basically under review at the moment--the application procedures are a bit stringent due to the build and we're always a bit pensive about directly adding players we don't know. Expect me to contact you in-game to get a feel of how you are.
Sounds good, I'll probably be busy until Monday, from Monday outwards I'll be very active. Looking forward to meeting you :)
Jan 30, 2017
IGN: MccShizzledong
Hero Class and level: Druid / 08
Hero Profession and Level: Crafter / 08
When did you start playing Herocraft: A week ago
Did you read the rules and agree to them?: Yes
What is your favorite number?: root of 289, or 17
What type of minecraft player are you?
(Pvper, Builder, Farmer, etc.): Mostly PVE and builder, but dungeon crawling, spelunking, and team projects are a big interest.
Do you have macromod or the Herocraft mod pack?: No, wwilling to install it though.