I know I'm one who complained about 50 being master level and it taking too long, but once I hit 50 last night, I was so excited. I mined for around 5 hours straight to do 40-50ish around there. The point is I think it seems more rewarding for all your handwork you put into the leveling, so I was just so excited to master my class, (and be fourth to master rogue?) and become what I believe to be the first thief class! Leveling to 50, I think to me was much more rewarding and exciting than hitting level 25. I worked harder for it by a long shot.
Some may think it's too long to be even worth it,(even I thought so at first) but once I did I, I realized I was 50 times richer than before, and I think it should stay 50.
I'm honestly sorry Kainzo, for complaining about leveling. I really enjoyed hitting 50, and I feel good seeing that such a few amount of players had done so.