- Joined
- Feb 25, 2012
- In-game name: Sparkalot911
- Location & Age: California, 15
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): none
- Referral(s): none
- Reason you should be accepted: I am a constantly active minecraft player and enjoy being part of a large community that I feel that I can add too. I am mature, and know my way around minecraft both ingame, and the coding behind both minecraft and bukkit.
- How did you hear about Herocraft?:
- Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: yes
- Additional Info: I have been playing minecraft for... 11 months now, and have always been an active player. I have hosted three of my own servers in the past and have only played on 1-2 other public server; one of them being thebattlecraft. Recently I lost my admin position on thebattlecraft for no apparent reason or warning, and after trying for acouple of days to try to talk to an owner and just getting ignored I felt that it was time to move on. I have been a part of the battlecraft staff since last November and have been liked by all players that I helped. When I was doing alittle bit of research on the Herocraft website I noticed an application to become an Architect and after being a member would like to apply even though I have no pictures of the past builds I did for TheBattleCraft since they were all lost in a "surprise hard reset." I hope that I will be admitted to your server so I can recreate with or without the help of the staff some of the structures that I built on my own; some of them taking months to create.
With time and dedication I hope that I will be able to join the Herocraft staff since minecraft just doesn't hold the same appeal to me unless I am out their helping a player or building a super structure.