• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
    Read up on the guides and new systems! Here.
    View the LIVE Map here @ hc.to/map
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Sanogono Mute Appeal


Dec 28, 2012
IGN: Sanogono
Muted by: @MoeJunur
Time of mute:11/26/15
Server/Channel: O chat
Reason for mute: Called simonh2000 a honkey in chat
Your story: I always talk without a filter in chat and I called simonh2000 a honkey in o chat jokingly with him taking no offense, and then Moejunur decided to give me a permanent ban. People started defending me in chat and Moejunur decided to threaten them with mutes if they kept talking.


Staff member
Legacy Supporter 9
May 1, 2011
South Louisiana
I did not mute you for calling a player honky,
using racist remarks are not allowed here,

wait your 1 month then bump me for consideration!!


Dec 28, 2012
I did not mute you for calling a player honky,
using racist remarks are not allowed here,

wait your 1 month then bump me for consideration!!
...the forum changed what I said. I also like how you use a screenshot taken before the players started to defend me and called you out for gmuting me. Yeah, I know I probably shouldn't have said it in o chat, but now you're acting like a child fam
Last edited by a moderator:


Staff member
Legacy Supporter 9
May 1, 2011
South Louisiana
no need to call staff names on the forums,
if you have additional issues you might want to contact an admin.
If i see any more disrespect in game or in the forums, towards staff members you might end up not playing here for some time.

@TimForReal , @xexorian


Admin ZeeZo
Retired Staff
Apr 7, 2011
IGN: Sanogono
Muted by: @MoeJunur
Time of mute:11/26/15
Server/Channel: O chat
Reason for mute: Called simonh2000 a honkey in chat
Your story: I always talk without a filter in chat and I called simonh2000 a honkey in o chat jokingly with him taking no offense, and then Moejunur decided to give me a permanent ban. People started defending me in chat and Moejunur decided to threaten them with mutes if they kept talking.

They're not threats. They're warnings. Respect staff at all times, or else. Do not discuss bans in global chats. We discuss them one on one with you here on our forums in the appeals section.
  1. Respect all staff.
  2. Respect everyone on the forums. (Do not be rude, disrespectful, malicious or any other form of related activity).
  3. Profanity is allowed, but please control yourself. Excessive use is unnecessary.
  4. No racism allowed. (This includes all variants of the derogatory term.)
  5. No Advertising. This includes links to shock sites, pornography, or anything that may be deemed unsuitable by forum staff. (IE: No ads for other servers, products, or sites.)
  6. No spamming. Try to refrain from posting more than two messages in a row as there is an edit button on the posts. Also, one word/meaningless posts are not allowed.
  7. No discussion of hacks, cheats or glitches of any kind. If you find a exploit, PM a staff member.
  8. Use English only in public threads. (This does not include Private Messages)
  9. No boosting. One forum account per user.
  10. Do not bring old threads back to life. All posts or threads 2 months or older should be deemed as dead.

Take a hint from the rules, when applying your "Filter".