I submitted an application on the Minecraft forums earlier, figured I should put one up here too just in case.
1. In-game name: RemyDu
2. Location and Age: Southern California, USA / 23
3. Previous bans: None
4. Referral: None
5. Reason you should you be accepted: I've been playing Minecraft for a few months now and now the ins and outs of building decent things, though I am new to most online stuff. I like the idea of there being town vs. town fighting and am particularly interested in becoming an outlaw.
6. Additional info: I don't want to be an outlaw just to be a dick and blow things up, I like encouraging pvp and enjoy the thought of becoming the scourge of a town.
1. In-game name: RemyDu
2. Location and Age: Southern California, USA / 23
3. Previous bans: None
4. Referral: None
5. Reason you should you be accepted: I've been playing Minecraft for a few months now and now the ins and outs of building decent things, though I am new to most online stuff. I like the idea of there being town vs. town fighting and am particularly interested in becoming an outlaw.
6. Additional info: I don't want to be an outlaw just to be a dick and blow things up, I like encouraging pvp and enjoy the thought of becoming the scourge of a town.