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Suggestion Rangers


Legacy Supporter 7
Mar 3, 2012
I am going to be constructive about my comments. I was told to post in the exploits section for the Ranger issues. However, I cannot becuase it is private. I believe that the ability to track everywhere is a too overpowering. There can be no secret bases, mining or anything. A group with the ranger were able to follow me accross the map, in the deepest dungeons etc and continue to kill me.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 24, 2011
Join a town? Ranger's track isn't too op. It has a fairly long cool down and that should give you plenty of time to escape.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 31, 2011
I am going to be constructive about my comments. I was told to post in the exploits section for the Ranger issues. However, I cannot becuase it is private. I believe that the ability to track everywhere is a too overpowering. There can be no secret bases, mining or anything. A group with the ranger were able to follow me accross the map, in the deepest dungeons etc and continue to kill me.
Remember that the ranger track is giving the ranger coords to a place inside R50 of the target.
That means that if you are sneaking or not standing still you are pretty much hard to hunt down.
Sep 10, 2011
I think that you should get a chat notification when someone tracks u

That ruins the use of track for hunting people down to KILL/TRACK, not scare away into recalling or logging. Also it makes no sense that some knows that you were tracked by someone 2000 blocks away.

Track is like using a bloodhound to follow someones scent, a skilled ranger should be able to find you anywhere, anytime. Its not like the track guarantees you will die, it just means you might be confronted (whether you move about/recall)


Legacy Supporter 7
Mar 3, 2012
I continue to be tracked all day and hunted down. There is no balance. I was killed in another mine, and three times more running in different directions and they always knew where I was. The 50 limit is just a way to say were going to get you anyway.


Jan 24, 2012
Don't make a point of drawing attention to yourself and you won't get tracked :p

There's plenty of balance for the plugin... the nearly 2 minute cooldown is actually something I dislike, even. I get lots of requests for track, and I can't fill them all in a timely manner because I have to wait that long. The 50 radius centered around the person's location in which the coordinates can be generated can easily mean the difference between finding a person and not.

Chances are that the reason you're getting tracked down is either a) You make it known to everyone in offtopic "I JUST FOUND DIAMONDS :D HEY LOOK THAR'S MOAR I'M GONNA GO AFK BEFORE I MINE THO!" or something equivalently stupid... b) You keep bothering people who you really shouldn't bother, or you really made someone angry and they're getting repetitive revenge, or c) People are tracking you because you won't stop whining about how track is OP.

I'm not saying you're doing any of these things neccessarily (except the last one), but take them into consideration. Generally people don't just look at the online list and say "Gee I think I wanna go hunt down this guy". There might be some who do, but usually things are done for a purpose. Towns are a different story. They do get raided randomly just for fun. However, tracking down one guy isn't really worth the time.

If for some reason, you can't stop people from tracking you, just don't make yourself so conspicuous! Seal the hole in the ground that you make when you start mining. When you realize someone is chasing you, don't just sprint away! You have a gamertag! It is Bladewrath and it likes to float above your head all the time! The only way to stop them from seeing that is to sneak. You don't run very fast when you sneak, but if you mine into a wall and seal the spot where you mined in, they probably will not realize you're there.

And do you even know that people are tracking you? Just because someone kills you underground is NO reason to believe that. You can see a person's gamertag when they are down at bedrock if you are standing at sea level. Mine in less populous areas... head out AWAY from towns.

If anything is OP about Ranger (many people would say several skills are), it certainly isn't Track...