1. In-game name: Radza
2. Location and Age: Lithuania (east europe) 24
3. Previous bans:none
4. Referral: Minestatus.net
5. Reason you should you be accepted: playng from 1.1 alpha, i know how to play, and like RPG genre. Have good builders skills
6. Additional info:
Expereance whit hmod and bukkit servers soft, know many plugins comands and how they works
2. Location and Age: Lithuania (east europe) 24
3. Previous bans:none
4. Referral: Minestatus.net
5. Reason you should you be accepted: playng from 1.1 alpha, i know how to play, and like RPG genre. Have good builders skills
6. Additional info:
Expereance whit hmod and bukkit servers soft, know many plugins comands and how they works