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Suggestion Pyromancer, worst class in the game.


May 10, 2014
Hello, so id like to talk about pyromancer and my experience with him.

First lets talk about his ability list,

He starts out with ChaosOrb which is a dmging super short range teleport. Which is a nifty skill but mages shouldnt really be in melee anyway so from level one your pushing higher armor and health instead of intellegence just so you can pve.

Then you get maim which is going to be the skill you use the absolute most for the rest of your levels, its nice but when i basic attack for 50 at best the maim will do 60 comfaring this to a rangers 100 basic attack makes it intensly lower dps

youll get some utility like cauterize and fireshield which are nice but super specific to a situation and rarely if ever used. I use my fire shield when i fall in lava thats about the only time its useful.

dragons breath is your first fake aoe. fake because it doesnt go through walls like most of the other clases. my 20 by 20 wide house doesnt protect me from three people around it bouncing me around with their aoes so its a lame one plus its 14 sec coold down makes it fairly useless concidering it can be dodged and interrupted. dmg is way to low with on 60 dmg

darkbolt sounds nice but with a 20 second cool down its useless most people arent being healed and the 50 + dmg is silly it is however you only real aoe goes though walls very short range though. oh and the dot afterwards is not about doing dmg just shows you they still have reduced healing so ignore the 1 dmg tick.

darkblade is crap youll never use it. theres no situation where 70 mana is going to matter to most classes and the damage is less then maim and by this point less then your basic attack. it needing line of sight like maim makes it fare to underpowered to be a 35 lvl ability.

curse is nice in theory but most people are doing so much damage so fast that its useless and will likly be a key bind that you forget to use.

caoticstrength is literally when it became obvious the developers of this class are out right telling you you chose the wrong mage. It gives you 15 more strength which is about 8 more dmg per swing. but lowers your intellect by 25. Its like them outright telling you, we know your not a mage and in fact a terrible melee so heres a buff to prove it.

you get enderpearls but pearls are going to be so expensive and you die so much as a pyro youll never use them.

im lvl 54, im going to master this class out of spite at this point. so now it comes down to great combustion and doom wave if these two abilitys arent so overwhelmingly op that they make the whole class doable then this class should just be deleted. great combustion has a 40 sec cooldown a reagent cause and a stun if that stun ends up being effective maybe their is hope but comparing the 120+ dmg to a similarly leveled rangers 200 basic attack makes it obvious im dont a mage im a crappy melee still.

Doomwave is why i took the class, i felt being able to teleport so much would be awesome, pearls, free pearls, and doom wave id be tping all over the battle field. Problem is nearly everyone has a silence, anyone pvping has mods to track your name tag in a grossly obvious way. so just being able to tp about is fairly useless. add to this that their is a limit to how much dmg you can do to somone at one time just means that spraying 20 pearls at somone is only going to do one 120+ dmg to them

Now that skills are out of the way lets talk about some lore for a moment...

Hes called pyro, but the only things that even sort of make that so is that pearls are on fire and you have some fireworks effects that look like flame mostly you do dark dmg and melee, you nearly never light people on fire you just do fire dmg some times.
He shouldnt even be called pyro maybe void bruiser would suit his skills as a title. at least you would know not to put anything into intellect like i did.

Now that ive ranted about this crap class ill give some suggestions...

I think you should dump all the teleports and dark spells and make the pryo a pyro. maybe give me one blink that explodes when i arrive in an aoe.

give me an aoe that lights the ground on fire temporarily ,
give me a passive immunity to fire ((maybe not lava)),
give me a dot that lights them on fire similar duration of burn to lava,
let me burn pot buffs off them ((for more dmg per buff))
and let me reup that burn dot before it goes out.
and finally let me do more damage to people on fire.

make it so if somone is fighting a pyro they need a fire prot armor then want a fire prot pot. even if they have the fire prots let my melee dmg do more dmg to any one on fire and be just melee dmg.

as it is pyro is underpowered, and victimized.

I will switch off it right after i cast doomwave on a skelle cause it wont do what i want and that is hit all 20 or so pearls on one target.

Honestly who ever it was who came up with this class hates mages and loves rouges because as a pyro is not dps, hes not a tank, hes not a healer, hes not an assasin, hes not a securer, hes just a victim with a silly cheap nerfed tp. he has no place in pvp and is just a loot mule for anyone who can afford a track.

Final note, if the last two abilitys make this class op then ill come amend my post. Feel free to flame, discuss, argue, suggest, i think getting more comments on this would be helpful.
May 14, 2013
Pyromancer is actually a very good class; as long as you can manage to get the skills off. Greatcombustion, the stun skill, is actually amazingly strong if you manage to land it, as well as Doomwave; which is fairly unpredictable but does massive damage. Honestly, I know that you get tracked a lot by lots of people (I'm one of them ;) ) and I feel like you probably don't get a good chance to use the skills before you get wrecked. Or maybe you just need some more practice landing the stun, because the stun is pretty much a game ender for most classes. Lastly, Pyro is most certainly not the worst class. I don't really know of an under powered class; Herocraft mostly just contains overpowered ones. Also, I'd recommend you go on the test server [test.hc.to] to practice using skills and maybe get a better attribute setup. Use this forum page as a guideline for a better attribute setup: http://herocraftonline.com/main/thr...ute-builds-for-new-players.52197/#post-411385. Good luck :D


May 10, 2014
Pyromancer is actually a very good class; as long as you can manage to get the skills off. Greatcombustion, the stun skill, is actually amazingly strong if you manage to land it, as well as Doomwave; which is fairly unpredictable but does massive damage. Honestly, I know that you get tracked a lot by lots of people (I'm one of them ;) ) and I feel like you probably don't get a good chance to use the skills before you get wrecked. Or maybe you just need some more practice landing the stun, because the stun is pretty much a game ender for most classes. Lastly, Pyro is most certainly not the worst class. I don't really know of an under powered class; Herocraft mostly just contains overpowered ones. Also, I'd recommend you go on the test server [test.hc.to] to practice using skills and maybe get a better attribute setup. Use this forum page as a guideline for a better attribute setup: http://herocraftonline.com/main/thr...ute-builds-for-new-players.52197/#post-411385. Good luck :D

I do get tracked alot and im not raging over that im coparing my dps to other dpses and i cant even get a 1/4th thier output i compare my sustain to others and thats blazingly off, i compair my utility to others and fail to even tp out of combat. nearly every other class counters mine. what counters a ninja with ambush? nearly nothing. but most classes have an effective escape not just a derpy 5 block pearl. ive seen rangers grapple over the spawn wall... no one is keeping up with that not even a dragoon. pyromancers arent even pyro their really just terrible melees. ill check out test though maybe if i had gone full melee no intellect id get close to 80 a swing and have a chance.

edit: Take into account they cant even get fire enchants on their main weapons and its like why even concider pyro as a class. remove it the class system just gets more ballanced unless its intended to have a loot mule.


Legacy Supporter 4
Retired Staff
Nov 25, 2012
United States
Hello, so id like to talk about pyromancer and my experience with him.

First lets talk about his ability list,

He starts out with ChaosOrb which is a dmging super short range teleport. Which is a nifty skill but mages shouldnt really be in melee anyway so from level one your pushing higher armor and health instead of intellegence just so you can pve.

I stopped reading here.

Pyromancer is a melee caster hybrid. They have a higher damaging weapon than any other caster, and their spells are all short range. He is meant to be in melee, and he is meant to fight with a weapon. He is not a Wizard, he is not a Necromancer. Similarly, he is not a dragoon, and he is not a ninja. He is a caster that performs his spells in melee range. He is a hybrid. If you must compare him to something, Runeblade would be the closest one. But even then, that isn't true either. Just because he uses spells does not mean he is a squishy twig that needs to fight from a distance in order to be effective.

Not to mention, It is also the only class that I have actually played on Haven, and not once did I think the class was weak. In fact, quite the opposite! During my time of playing the Pyromancer class, I ended up applying nerfs almost every day because I simply felt like I was invincible. I could fight any class and win any fight, and often even win a few 2v1 situations. It was just so god damn powerful.

Granted, I haven't played in a few months, and there certainly have been a few changes around the board since then, but I don't think any of those changes should have affected Pyro that much, if at all. The only things I will possibly concede here, is that ChaoticStrength is sub-par, and DoomWave is useless in most situations. I knew these things from the moment they hit live, but I didn't change them. Why? Because the class was so god damn good without them that I couldn't think of a reason to even attempt to buff either of them. ChaoticStrength I straight up ignored, but DoomWave at least has a few niche situations in which it's really fun, so I left it as is and let it be.

Every other single skill in their skillset is god tier, and has a multitude of uses. I used every other ability whenever possible, and not once did I think that they were weak.

Perhaps I'm being crazy and perhaps the balance team has nerfed the shit out of the class since I was gone, but if that is not the case, I am doubtful that you are playing the class to the best of it's abilities.

Oh yea and P.S.

ChaosOrb best skill in game. If anyone touches it I'm going to have that person hunted till the ends of the earth.
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Legacy Supporter 5
Feb 28, 2012
Beautiful sunny Californ-i-a

Ok I hate to disagree, but wait until you hit 65 on a class then go out and seriously pvp before you post your opinions on the matter.

For starters pyromancer is supposed to be a melee mage, not the traditional kiting wizard/necro/guiler, so yes your skills have short range and yes you are supposed too use your left clicks as a large portion of your damage. Secondly it has been stated over and over and over again to no end that pyro is supposed to be a fire/dark mage with a balance of fire based skills and dark "nether" based skills

  • Yea cauterize/flameshield kinda suck, but every class has that skill that is situationally great but otherwise shitty. Need to escape a melee class? Pop flame shield then drop a lava bucket lava and chug a flame resistance potion. Bet you're glad you have flame shield now
  • Dragon's breath and dark bolt are great skills. Dragon's breath has an ecellent AoE, and its warm up doesn't slow you down so you can use it on the go. Dark bolt deals surprisingly good damage and, again, its AoE so aiming isn't a huge matter.
  • Alone yea Darkblade isn't that great, 70 mana isnt that much. Remember though that it DRAINS that mana from your target, so it helps you and hinders them, AND its only on a 12 seconds cooldown so it's fairly spamable
  • Curse is fine, it lasts twice as long as disarm but is half as effective so overall it provides the same amount of "disarm"
  • You are right on Chaotic Strength. It sucks plain and simple, it was a "proof of concept" skill that was never really developed
  • Last I checked doomwave was super bugged and only launched around 2 ender pearls and then you only teleported to one of them. The devs are aware and are (hopefully) working on a fix
The only thing that pyro could really use right now is a slight range increase on chaos orb (up its average range to the standard 10ish blocks found on other gap closers) and to make the AoE of Great Combustion the same as Dragon's Breath. Seriously the range on chaos orb is pathetic, you aren't going to catch any class with any form of mobility with the current range. Adjusting the AoE of Combustion is just a quality of life fix, because as it stands right now it feels a bit awkward to have two very similar skills with very different AoEs

I implore you to finish leveling the class, then go find some real pvp, then comment on balance.

On a completely unrelated note check your facts before posting, yes a ranger deals 100 damage a shot, but they only shoot once a second max (this is also disregarding the time it takes to aim at your target) where you can melee for 50 damage twice a second. Both of these average out to 100 damage per second

Edit: Damn Delf swooped me :eek:


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 24, 2013
@Parsalin don't wanna get tracked don't be someone who encouraged dick moves like kicking everyone from town and stealing all their stuff?
And you guys 2v1 me got me down to 1 hp first time like no joke I mean ninja only kick and eviscerate is meh but you where both like what 50ish? Pyro is op as fuck if you can land its skills tbh it does a shit load of damage
- not trying to be a dick but maybe you should switch classes


Legacy Supporter 5
Jul 28, 2013
Hello, so id like to talk about pyromancer and my experience with him.

First lets talk about his ability list,

He starts out with ChaosOrb which is a dmging super short range teleport. Which is a nifty skill but mages shouldnt really be in melee anyway so from level one your pushing higher armor and health instead of intellegence just so you can pve.

Then you get maim which is going to be the skill you use the absolute most for the rest of your levels, its nice but when i basic attack for 50 at best the maim will do 60 comfaring this to a rangers 100 basic attack makes it intensly lower dps

youll get some utility like cauterize and fireshield which are nice but super specific to a situation and rarely if ever used. I use my fire shield when i fall in lava thats about the only time its useful.

dragons breath is your first fake aoe. fake because it doesnt go through walls like most of the other clases. my 20 by 20 wide house doesnt protect me from three people around it bouncing me around with their aoes so its a lame one plus its 14 sec coold down makes it fairly useless concidering it can be dodged and interrupted. dmg is way to low with on 60 dmg

darkbolt sounds nice but with a 20 second cool down its useless most people arent being healed and the 50 + dmg is silly it is however you only real aoe goes though walls very short range though. oh and the dot afterwards is not about doing dmg just shows you they still have reduced healing so ignore the 1 dmg tick.

darkblade is crap youll never use it. theres no situation where 70 mana is going to matter to most classes and the damage is less then maim and by this point less then your basic attack. it needing line of sight like maim makes it fare to underpowered to be a 35 lvl ability.

curse is nice in theory but most people are doing so much damage so fast that its useless and will likly be a key bind that you forget to use.

caoticstrength is literally when it became obvious the developers of this class are out right telling you you chose the wrong mage. It gives you 15 more strength which is about 8 more dmg per swing. but lowers your intellect by 25. Its like them outright telling you, we know your not a mage and in fact a terrible melee so heres a buff to prove it.

you get enderpearls but pearls are going to be so expensive and you die so much as a pyro youll never use them.

im lvl 54, im going to master this class out of spite at this point. so now it comes down to great combustion and doom wave if these two abilitys arent so overwhelmingly op that they make the whole class doable then this class should just be deleted. great combustion has a 40 sec cooldown a reagent cause and a stun if that stun ends up being effective maybe their is hope but comparing the 120+ dmg to a similarly leveled rangers 200 basic attack makes it obvious im dont a mage im a crappy melee still.

Doomwave is why i took the class, i felt being able to teleport so much would be awesome, pearls, free pearls, and doom wave id be tping all over the battle field. Problem is nearly everyone has a silence, anyone pvping has mods to track your name tag in a grossly obvious way. so just being able to tp about is fairly useless. add to this that their is a limit to how much dmg you can do to somone at one time just means that spraying 20 pearls at somone is only going to do one 120+ dmg to them

Now that skills are out of the way lets talk about some lore for a moment...

Hes called pyro, but the only things that even sort of make that so is that pearls are on fire and you have some fireworks effects that look like flame mostly you do dark dmg and melee, you nearly never light people on fire you just do fire dmg some times.
He shouldnt even be called pyro maybe void bruiser would suit his skills as a title. at least you would know not to put anything into intellect like i did.

Now that ive ranted about this crap class ill give some suggestions...

I think you should dump all the teleports and dark spells and make the pryo a pyro. maybe give me one blink that explodes when i arrive in an aoe.

give me an aoe that lights the ground on fire temporarily ,
give me a passive immunity to fire ((maybe not lava)),
give me a dot that lights them on fire similar duration of burn to lava,
let me burn pot buffs off them ((for more dmg per buff))
and let me reup that burn dot before it goes out.
and finally let me do more damage to people on fire.

make it so if somone is fighting a pyro they need a fire prot armor then want a fire prot pot. even if they have the fire prots let my melee dmg do more dmg to any one on fire and be just melee dmg.

as it is pyro is underpowered, and victimized.

I will switch off it right after i cast doomwave on a skelle cause it wont do what i want and that is hit all 20 or so pearls on one target.

Honestly who ever it was who came up with this class hates mages and loves rouges because as a pyro is not dps, hes not a tank, hes not a healer, hes not an assasin, hes not a securer, hes just a victim with a silly cheap nerfed tp. he has no place in pvp and is just a loot mule for anyone who can afford a track.

Final note, if the last two abilitys make this class op then ill come amend my post. Feel free to flame, discuss, argue, suggest, i think getting more comments on this would be helpful.
I hope you aren't being serious.

Pyromancer has good melee damage and burst that few classes can rival. As Jupiter said, Pyro is extremely powerful if you land all of the skills. DragonsBreath was not intended to work like other AoE skills. Like Bonespear, it is a line AoE, which means you actually have to aim in order to land it. I don't think it makes sense for fire to faze right through a wall, do you?
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Legacy Supporter 4
Retired Staff
Nov 25, 2012
United States
  • Yea cauterize/flameshield kinda suck, but every class has that skill that is situationally great but otherwise shitty. Need to escape a melee class? Pop flame shield then drop a lava bucket lava and chug a flame resistance potion. Bet you're glad you have flame shield now
Fireball is one of the largest counters to melee classes, and Berserker Rupture is a bleed.
Flameshield lets you get in melee against casters, cauterize can save your life against a Berserker.

  • Dragon's breath and dark bolt are great skills. Dragon's breath has an ecellent AoE, and its warm up doesn't slow you down so you can use it on the go. Dark bolt deals surprisingly good damage and, again, its AoE so aiming isn't a huge matter.

  • Alone yea Darkblade isn't that great, 70 mana isnt that much. Remember though that it DRAINS that mana from your target, so it helps you and hinders them, AND its only on a 12 seconds cooldown so it's fairly spamable

  • Curse is fine, it lasts twice as long as disarm but is half as effective so overall it provides the same amount of "disarm"

  • You are right on Chaotic Strength. It sucks plain and simple, it was a "proof of concept" skill that was never really developed
Right again~

  • Last I checked doomwave was super bugged and only launched around 2 ender pearls and then you only teleported to one of them. The devs are aware and are (hopefully) working on a fix
This was actually working fine when I left. If it's bugged I don't know what's up with it.

The only thing that pyro could really use right now is a slight range increase on chaos orb (up its average range to the standard 10ish blocks found on other gap closers)
The tricky thing with Chaos orb is that it has an abnormal tragectory. If you ever throw one off a hill or a cliff you'll see what I mean. The gap closing potential is small on flat land, but large over terrain gaps. This was an intentional to boost the "Chaos" concept for the skill.


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 24, 2013
  • Yea cauterize/flameshield kinda suck, but every class has that skill that is situationally great but otherwise shitty. Need to escape a melee class? Pop flame shield then drop a lava bucket lava and chug a flame resistance potion. Bet you're glad you have flame shield now
  • Dragon's breath Curse is fine, it lasts twice as long as disarm but is half as effective so overall it provides the same amount of "disarm"
  • You are right on Chaotic Strength. It sucks plain and simple, it was a "proof of concept" skill that was never really developed

  • pyro could really use right now is a slight range increase on chaos orb (up its average range to the standard 10ish blocks found on other
I think that if you Flameshield Chaotic Strength and enderpearl right by a wizard you can do a shit town of dps (I did on test) and pyro has a stun which makes it do shit loads of damage (if you land stun which from what I've heard isn't that hard)


Legacy Supporter 5
Feb 28, 2012
Beautiful sunny Californ-i-a
The bug on doomwave (last time I checked) was that it didn't launch the base 18 ender pearls only the ones that you got from the intelligence scaling. Which usually resulted in around 2-3 pearls. Been about a month since I've tested the skill so I'm not sure if it has been patched yet.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jul 28, 2013
Fireball is one of the largest counters to melee classes, and Berserker Rupture is a bleed.
Flameshield lets you get in melee against casters, cauterize can save your life against a Berserker.




Right again~

This was actually working fine when I left. If it's bugged I don't know what's up with it.

The tricky thing with Chaos orb is that it has an abnormal tragectory. If you ever throw one off a hill or a cliff you'll see what I mean. The gap closing potential is small on flat land, but large over terrain gaps. This was an intentional to boost the "Chaos" concept for the skill.
You can remove Rupture with Cauterize?! What have I been missing out on...


Legacy Supporter 4
Retired Staff
Nov 25, 2012
United States
You can remove Rupture with Cauterize?! What have I been missing out on...
You should be able to, but there were so few Berserkers at the start of Haven that I don't think I ever got a chance to use it. Cauterize removes fire ticks and bleeds, and last I checked, Rupture was still a bleed. If it's not, well, sorry for getting your hopes up.


Oct 28, 2012
Miami FL
I think he is whinning cause me and Rs kill him everyday, on the other hand pyro is good if u know how to use it, you kind of have to play it like a warrior by keeping your enemies close and just not letting them get away. It may be hard since they only have the enderpearl skill thing so yea


Legacy Supporter 6
Aug 17, 2012
didn't even read this page cept the first couple paragraphs. what kind of crack are you smoking bro? pyromancer is a kickass class that dominates in 1v1s, and since it has so much AoE's, you can win 1v2s sometimes as well (situational depending on skill of the 2/terrain). if you can land your skills, you're in a good place. They also are great in group fights with the AoE's and a stun.

The only problem I have with pyromancer is the leveling, early levels chaosorb is going to be your main source of dps, which also TP's you and causes you to take damage 75% of the time due to mob attacks. My only suggestion for this (sorry @Delfofthebla ) is that chaosorb be changed to what its description says, where it only tp's after you are able to throw EPs. this (while removing some utility at lower levels) would allow pyro to level up a bit easier. this would not change max level pvp/pve


May 10, 2014
Ok I hate to disagree, but wait until you hit 65 on a class then go out and seriously pvp before you post your opinions on the matter.

For starters pyromancer is supposed to be a melee mage, not the traditional kiting wizard/necro/guiler, so yes your skills have short range and yes you are supposed too use your left clicks as a large portion of your damage. Secondly it has been stated over and over and over again to no end that pyro is supposed to be a fire/dark mage with a balance of fire based skills and dark "nether" based skills

  • Yea cauterize/flameshield kinda suck, but every class has that skill that is situationally great but otherwise shitty. Need to escape a melee class? Pop flame shield then drop a lava bucket lava and chug a flame resistance potion. Bet you're glad you have flame shield now
  • Dragon's breath and dark bolt are great skills. Dragon's breath has an ecellent AoE, and its warm up doesn't slow you down so you can use it on the go. Dark bolt deals surprisingly good damage and, again, its AoE so aiming isn't a huge matter.
  • Alone yea Darkblade isn't that great, 70 mana isnt that much. Remember though that it DRAINS that mana from your target, so it helps you and hinders them, AND its only on a 12 seconds cooldown so it's fairly spamable
  • Curse is fine, it lasts twice as long as disarm but is half as effective so overall it provides the same amount of "disarm"
  • You are right on Chaotic Strength. It sucks plain and simple, it was a "proof of concept" skill that was never really developed
  • Last I checked doomwave was super bugged and only launched around 2 ender pearls and then you only teleported to one of them. The devs are aware and are (hopefully) working on a fix
The only thing that pyro could really use right now is a slight range increase on chaos orb (up its average range to the standard 10ish blocks found on other gap closers) and to make the AoE of Great Combustion the same as Dragon's Breath. Seriously the range on chaos orb is pathetic, you aren't going to catch any class with any form of mobility with the current range. Adjusting the AoE of Combustion is just a quality of life fix, because as it stands right now it feels a bit awkward to have two very similar skills with very different AoEs

I implore you to finish leveling the class, then go find some real pvp, then comment on balance.

On a completely unrelated note check your facts before posting, yes a ranger deals 100 damage a shot, but they only shoot once a second max (this is also disregarding the time it takes to aim at your target) where you can melee for 50 damage twice a second. Both of these average out to 100 damage per second

Edit: Damn Delf swooped me :eek:

yeah, i run with a ranger all the time the 100 dmg was refering to them near lvl 1 a max level ranger my friend specifically spams an easy 200 indeed 1 shot a second even if i dump my whole list of spells it wont kill and before they are back up a ranger will 4 shot me. indeed based on skill but skill should be very little factor on the whole balancing issue.

I will also concede that i was playing him wrong i went on test and literally took off all my vanilla keybourd controls "Q" "E" "R" so i could rebind them with CTRL toggles this allows me to spam almost all my spells rapidly, with practise i might even be able to kill some lost souls... so yeah im equally a bad pyro.

I think he is whinning cause me and Rs kill him everyday, on the other hand pyro is good if u know how to use it, you kind of have to play it like a warrior by keeping your enemies close and just not letting them get away. It may be hard since they only have the enderpearl skill thing so yea

na i dont mind getting tracked my day is seriously more interesting then most of yours. indeed i die alot but i lose very little of course when i kill one of my trackers they tend to give me a few chanted picks or crate contents ^_^

I am absolutly commited at this point to hitting max level pyro, and i will continue to practise spell spammery. the suggestion to jump on test was the best one so far, thanks im_a_pickle.
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The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
The bug on doomwave (last time I checked) was that it didn't launch the base 18 ender pearls only the ones that you got from the intelligence scaling. Which usually resulted in around 2-3 pearls. Been about a month since I've tested the skill so I'm not sure if it has been patched yet.
This is a nocheat issue. @Delfofthebla and @Coders API probably broke.


Legacy Supporter 2
Mar 31, 2013
@Parsalin ... this is probably one of the stupidest threads I have ever seen and that's saying a lot considering I play on every server Jupiter plays on, when I fought @BaBomba on test when he was a pyro and I was a necro he just melted my health very quickly the class is nowhere near underpowered


Jan 6, 2013
Fireball is one of the largest counters to melee classes, and Berserker Rupture is a bleed.
Flameshield lets you get in melee against casters, cauterize can save your life against a Berserker.
Wait so you mean, them Pyros be able to stahp ma Rupture?!?! D: It's already pretty much impossible to win as Ninja...
Must... Get... Goood.........


May 10, 2014
Certainly i was complaining a tad to much for pyro, mainly the abilitys are to flashy for not as much bang but them being aoes and fairly spamable makes them nice once you hit max level. however doomwave is nerfed and ive mastered pyro and moved on. I appreciate everyones input it was helpful i managed to find how it was capable after all your comments. Its simply not what i thought it was and i played it wrong.

all i can say is if you go to hell take a pyro... itll spare you the fire pots for sure. most useful i ever was, was then. Great combustion is a bit hit or miss, and i dont mean missable i mean sparks out their body but no effect. seems a bit to random. but once you can spam breath and bolt your gonna find it alot easyer.

Everyone i wont be returning to this thread though if youd like to continue to flame, comment, suggest. feel free.