1. Minecraft IGN:KanJam49
2. Position applying for: Proctor
3. Age: 16
4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of the United States): Eastern Standard.
5. Hours/Week you play (on average): I clock in around 5 hours a day, minimum, except for Wednesdays. Wednesdays I'm on for about 2 hours. Weekends I'm on all, everday, after 12pm.
6. Friends in Herocraft: MasterLink742, Aceshooter11, Greekcrackshot, Barnubus, Danda, Brutalacerate, mung3r, Victim130, ADaringEnchilada, MonetiznotFrench, RumpTroll, and quite a few others that may be angry that I'm forgetting them.
7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: No I have not. Why have I never been banned you ask? Because I'm a clean, honest player, and I follow all of the rules.
8. Do you have any experience with IRC?: Not a ton, I know it's a text-chat system. I'm well qualified with TeamSpeak3 and recently Mumble. I'm almost always on TS.
9. Why do you think you will make a good proctor? Explain.: I think I would make a good proctor for a few reasons.
-I'm constantly on the forums. It's second nature to always have facebook, herocraft forums, and youtube open.
Also, I'm active on the forums, regularly reading and following threads. I already read through applications often, so having a say on them would be a plus.
-I'm a hard worker and I love to help. When I was in Athena I would constantly offer my help, ask for new projects, and give all I had to the town for free. (Including gold, smooth stone, etc.) I just enjoy helping and working hard so being a proctor would be no problem because whitelisting people is a task. When I see a task, I know it needs to be completed, so I get it done.
-I've been an operator on another server, which I can name if you ask, so I understand the kind of work that is expected of a staff position. Also, I'm an advanced placement, honors, and high 90's student. I have a good work ethic and can easily juggle a few things at once while managing my time wisely.
-Lastly, I think I have a good idea of what to look for in a good applicant. I'm kind, but just. Too many times I've seen applicants being told to mindlessly add more information, or applications sitting un-reviewed for hours at a time. I'll be specific and detailed in my responses, and constantly & consistently check back to the whitelist applications page.
10. Additional info you would like to tell us?: Well, I play the ukulele, I can't sleep without socks on, raspberries are my favorite fruit...oh...you meant additional info pertaining to being accepted as a proctor? Not really anything, although I will say I'm a lady.
I'm not a women's activist or anything, but I wish there was a gender section on applications. Don't worry, I'll just add one in 
11. What is your gender?: Female!
@Brutalacerate I know you're an old man, try not to squint too hard while reading this
2. Position applying for: Proctor
3. Age: 16
4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of the United States): Eastern Standard.
5. Hours/Week you play (on average): I clock in around 5 hours a day, minimum, except for Wednesdays. Wednesdays I'm on for about 2 hours. Weekends I'm on all, everday, after 12pm.
6. Friends in Herocraft: MasterLink742, Aceshooter11, Greekcrackshot, Barnubus, Danda, Brutalacerate, mung3r, Victim130, ADaringEnchilada, MonetiznotFrench, RumpTroll, and quite a few others that may be angry that I'm forgetting them.
7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: No I have not. Why have I never been banned you ask? Because I'm a clean, honest player, and I follow all of the rules.
8. Do you have any experience with IRC?: Not a ton, I know it's a text-chat system. I'm well qualified with TeamSpeak3 and recently Mumble. I'm almost always on TS.
9. Why do you think you will make a good proctor? Explain.: I think I would make a good proctor for a few reasons.
-I'm constantly on the forums. It's second nature to always have facebook, herocraft forums, and youtube open.

-I'm a hard worker and I love to help. When I was in Athena I would constantly offer my help, ask for new projects, and give all I had to the town for free. (Including gold, smooth stone, etc.) I just enjoy helping and working hard so being a proctor would be no problem because whitelisting people is a task. When I see a task, I know it needs to be completed, so I get it done.
-I've been an operator on another server, which I can name if you ask, so I understand the kind of work that is expected of a staff position. Also, I'm an advanced placement, honors, and high 90's student. I have a good work ethic and can easily juggle a few things at once while managing my time wisely.
-Lastly, I think I have a good idea of what to look for in a good applicant. I'm kind, but just. Too many times I've seen applicants being told to mindlessly add more information, or applications sitting un-reviewed for hours at a time. I'll be specific and detailed in my responses, and constantly & consistently check back to the whitelist applications page.
10. Additional info you would like to tell us?: Well, I play the ukulele, I can't sleep without socks on, raspberries are my favorite fruit...oh...you meant additional info pertaining to being accepted as a proctor? Not really anything, although I will say I'm a lady.

11. What is your gender?: Female!
@Brutalacerate I know you're an old man, try not to squint too hard while reading this