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Bug Players stuck in Overflow, and the Nether


Legacy Supporter 9
Jul 15, 2012
Two stuck players today:

A player @Xerot with his mark made in Overflow couldn't escape it:
  • No Mark on Survival to go to
  • /Survival didn't work
  • Logging out to the hub then going to Survival didn't work - he just popped straight back to Overflow
  • Wizard GPT and Port didn't work (it seemed to snap the party)
  • Couldn't join him to a town to use /town spawn
@xexorian got him out in the end

Another player was stuck in the Survival nether:
  • No Mark on Survival to go to
  • Logging out just brought him back to the same spot
  • Wizard GTP didn't work
  • No Necro ports because no endereyes - EDITED TO ADD: Necro ports back from nether mightn't be working anyway - see @unknownloner 's note below
This one we got out by joining him to a town so he could use /town spawn. @Eldrylars

Two different circumstances to be addressed. (In neither case did the player have a Mark on Survival.)
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Legacy Supporter 4
Feb 10, 2012
Currently, there seems to be a nasty possibility that if someone sets a mark in overflow, and heads to the nether in survival, there seems to be no means of escape from the nether. One of you guys were already on, so that made things simpler, but it could prove to be a terrible problem to those unaware. It might be safest to just add a sign to overflow NOT to mark, as both worlds, while being on separate servers, are linked, and will over-ride your mark in survival.


Legacy Supporter 6
Retired Staff
Feb 22, 2013
Can confirm if you're in the nether with a mark in overflow, recall leaves you in the nether. Happened to Malarb, had to town spawn out.

I remember when we had PvP and PvE worlds, there was recallPvE for the PvE world, since shared Heroes info = shared Mark point.


Admin ZeeZo
Retired Staff
Apr 7, 2011
I made a portal in the Nether to get out.

/Survival takes you back to the 'survival' server, which has multiple worlds.

/Overflow takes you back to the 'overflow' server, which has multiple worlds.

The problem then was that you ended up stuck between the nether in survival and overflow's server, and was unable to get back to survival's overworld world.

So, yeah. Town Spawn works or, you can walk out of the nether through the giant hellgates that take you to and fro.


Legacy Supporter 9
Jul 15, 2012
I made a portal in the Nether to get out.

/Survival takes you back to the 'survival' server, which has multiple worlds.

/Overflow takes you back to the 'overflow' server, which has multiple worlds.

The problem then was that you ended up stuck between the nether in survival and overflow's server, and was unable to get back to survival's overworld world.

So, yeah. Town Spawn works or, you can walk out of the nether through the giant hellgates that take you to and fro.

These giant hellgates - are they the portal you've just created? I'm pretty sure this was the arrangement we had last map too, yes?

The outcome of both the portal to the nether at Hell Island and the portal out again does render the Necromancer hell port skill useless, as it was last map.


Legacy Supporter 6
Retired Staff
Feb 22, 2013
So, yeah. Town Spawn works or, you can walk out of the nether through the giant hellgates that take you to and fro.
Wait, what, to? I thought the point of the nether here was that you needed a way in through Necro/Runesmith?


Legacy Supporter 4
Feb 10, 2012
I feel a portal out, and none in would be best for the time being. It's not terribly nice to have a skill that can turn a profit only to find that they can just wander into the nether without any effort. But some stable means of escape would be necessary with the current arrangement.


Legacy Supporter 9
Jul 15, 2012
I feel a portal out, and none in would be best for the time being. It's not terribly nice to have a skill that can turn a profit only to find that they can just wander into the nether without any effort. But some stable means of escape would be necessary with the current arrangement.
I agree.

Travel to the nether with a Necro - it's a game feature of having to find the right class to meet your needs.

Travel out again with a portal - people getting stuck in the nether because there are no Necros online has long been an issue. A portal out would be great.