Minecraft ingame name : Piston173
Location and Age : San Antonio, Texas. 13
How did I hear about herocraft : I saw on either planet mine craft or minecaft sever lists.
Have I voted on herocraft? Yes.
I agree to the hero craft EULA and ToS
Special Key = HCp9
Reason I should be accepted: I am all around nice person. I can help people that are in need, And won't complain if someone ask me for help. I am always available to helping people. Another reason I should be accepted into your server, Is that your server looks amazing. I was stunned at how well it is put together. And I would love to further play on this server, since it is like no other.
Location and Age : San Antonio, Texas. 13
How did I hear about herocraft : I saw on either planet mine craft or minecaft sever lists.
Have I voted on herocraft? Yes.
I agree to the hero craft EULA and ToS
Special Key = HCp9
Reason I should be accepted: I am all around nice person. I can help people that are in need, And won't complain if someone ask me for help. I am always available to helping people. Another reason I should be accepted into your server, Is that your server looks amazing. I was stunned at how well it is put together. And I would love to further play on this server, since it is like no other.