IGN: jinder745
Muted by: Kainzo
Time of mute: First day of the new map
Reason for mute: Linking a Porn site
Your story: Kainzo said something about Emma Watson in O chat and there was a shit strom. Then I linked a site that said "Celebrity fakes" I was then kicked and the message was You cant talk anymore. I am sorry for linking this site and it will not happening again.
Muted by: Kainzo
Time of mute: First day of the new map
Reason for mute: Linking a Porn site
Your story: Kainzo said something about Emma Watson in O chat and there was a shit strom. Then I linked a site that said "Celebrity fakes" I was then kicked and the message was You cant talk anymore. I am sorry for linking this site and it will not happening again.