Ahh, where do I begin. haha. It's been a long time coming.
A lot of you will have noticed by now that I've been gone a long time. Or at least, those of you who would have noticed were gone before my own departure. And I think it's about time I explain it all. It's been a long run, from Sanctum to where we are now, and I think the hour has finally come for me to leave, not in a state of depression and panic like the last time I disappeared, and not assaulted on every front by nostalagia as I have been for a while now, but to do it properly. So, to put it simply, I have finally decided that my time on Dragongarde and perhaps Herocraft itself is up. There is no sense in playing a game that you don't enjoy - and I don't think it's the server that is doing something wrong, or the people in the server, but rather that I am the one torturing myself and that I am simply unable to accept or adapt to change. And that leads me to where I am now.
It's hard to explain how much I miss the old maps, each of them just about opposite but each of them amazing, and how much I miss my old friends on here. Some of them have left, others have changed to the point where I hardly recognise them anymore, and in some cases, this is my fault entirely - which makes it even worse when I think about it too much. For me, Sanctum was a hub of community, honour and friendliness. Everyone I knew there was kind to me and I felt more welcome than ever before on any minecraft server that I've ever been on. I made a few good friends (Among them Gabizou, jittlelames, rattmodriguez) and enjoyed my time so much, because it was just somewhere where I could relax, talk to others, build and experiment with a rich, joyous and exciting server that I never got bored of. I'm sure my memories have made it seem a little more golden than it was, but even without this clouding, it was amazing as an introduction to the server I would come to love and also as a little home away from home in itself. Sanctum meant a lot to me. When the map wipe came, I was pretty devastated, as I was in the middle of beginning construction of a town, but eventually I decided that I could continue it with a fresh map in the new world. Zeal.
And, Heroes! They were amazing. The Rogue, powerful but simple, was my first class, though I quickly dumped it for the Healer, who at the time had bandages for 1 paper with no mana cost and no cooldown, making them immortal while they had paper and ridiculously OP. Of course, that was fixed soon enough, and it became a fairly balanced support class that I fell in love with. Heroes has always been a positive for me, although I hate when it becomes unbalanced now because it has grown to become the core of the server rather than a little add-on, and it's far more important than it was at the beginning of Zeal or in the pre-Zeal testing period. But it was the beginning of a change far more significant than a few extra abilities and survivability upgrades against now boosted and extremely challenging mobs. Heroes brought the birth of the true heart of Zeal - the bloodthirst that spread from first raiders taking advantage of the early-map lack of town regions and subsequent easy loot, to later infecting nearly every player on the server. Quickly towns became strongholds built for security, not aesthetics, and they began to turn against each other to satisfy their own thirst for power.
I founded Spire on the 2nd day of Zeal, and boy, were we noobs. Though our first taste of PvP was a couple of petty raids fought between single raiders armed with stone swords and a small team of hole-dwelling citizens who were loyal and faithful, as PVP grew, so did Spire. We became accustomed to it, and I loved it, not just for the bloodshed, but for the excitement and for the struggle for power. Watching the wars between D101, Ironpass, the S.S.S, Killuminati and eventually the struggles of West Herocraft against the quickly emerging Tree Creepers wasn't just enthralling, but it made me feel like I was a part of another world. I felt sympathy for D101, sadness for S.S.S as they began to fade when AussieDingbat disappeared, hate for the Tree Creepers (<3) when they raided us for 40 hours straight. It was something that inspired me to play every night for hours and hours, sucked into the roleplay of the server, though some of those who I didn't know too well used to say I'd take it a little too far, saying casters were filth and all. But those were good times, and once again I made many new friends, the closest of which were my dear Spirenubs, who worked hard and made the little hole in the ground into a, if unfinished, metropolis, and spread it into what was so close to a Kingdom. It was brilliant. Spire was my pride and joy, my sweat and tears, and it meant everything to me. It's one of those feelings that, as a mayor, makes up for all the stress and hard work you go through, knowing that all of this has resulted in your dream becoming a reality. It's what kept me going.
Unfortunately towards the end of Zeal, lag between Herocraft updates and Minecraft updates, as well as the fall of Jericho, meant activity died down, and with it so did my passion for Herocraft. It's not that I didn't still love it, because I did. It's just that everything, slowly but surely, began to cool down. The 'wastelands' of the violent west of Herocraft became a graveyard as Ironpass, what I thought and still think was the most powerful town in Zeal, became a shadow of its former self. Spire became a quiet monolith of stone, as did the rest of the kingdom, bar Exitium and her future Freeper army. Construction slowed to a stop, and war became a pointless back and forth of troops when others were offline, with all chests constantly secure, all players constantly hiding themselves in safety regions. All in all, the map had lived out its lifespan, and a grand lifespan at that. We wanted a wipe, and sure enough, after a few long months of monotonous thirst for blood in every town and breakouts of petty, careful war between all of the major kingdoms and the Tree Creepers, the wipe came.
It was exciting, and for the first while, it was worth the delay. Towns, and the construction of towns, were beautiful. Spawn was amazing fun to be around, although I got lost more often than not whenever I tried to explore it without the company of Leeness or Dils. It was a new beginning, and one that I hoped would be just as fun as the last two maps. But the excitement didn't last as PVP began to slowly die down, for unlike Zeal where regions did not exist and warfare was common, towns were once again built for security as in late Zeal, although much more attractive than most of the Zeal towns. It wasn't the tranquility of Sanctum or the passion of Zeal. It was something of both, and unfortunately not the best of both. I don't think I'm alone in saying that Dragongarde grew dull quickly, and many veterans who had come back for a reunion in the new world disappeared before we could welcome them back. Some left. Others stayed, but changed. I think I changed too. People tried to bring old things back but they couldn't survive in this new, so very different environment. Many came, and the newcomers never fail to astound me, usually in a good way. But it quickly became clear that any plans I'd had for Dragongarde were built for Zeal or Sanctum, not something like the current map. So they didn't happen, and many other plans didn't go through either. I disappeared a little, and then a lot. I got off Herocrack, in a manner of speaking. I tried coming back many times, and tried hard, but it meant nothing in the end because I never managed to stay. From my old plan for a guild, Pride, just not fitting in, to the attempts at restarting Spire not attracting enough support, the loss of so many friends and the unbalance I met after the beginning of Dragongarde, it just didn't last too long for me. I tried holding out, and after a few months I started planning for the next map. But I guess there is no next map - at least, not from what Kain has suggested - and where we are is where we're staying for a long, long time yet. I have memories to call upon for Sanctum and Zeal. Memories which fill me with happiness. Dragongarde gives me no memories, just an echo of both of the previous maps long gone.
So... if you've read until here, you've read a little snippet of my life story on Herocraft
I'm sorry it's so long and practically irrelevant to anything else. All I can really say is goodbye, and thank you for all of the good times. I hope to return, if a new map does come, and I doubt I will if it doesn't, but you guys have really led me to become a better person, and taught me a lot, even if it does sound corny. You gave me an experience that I will never forget. It isn't easy for me to leave here, and I do so with a heavy heart, but I fear this heart will not carry the server, but weigh it down, if I were to stay, and that it will weigh me down too. So it's my time to leave. I'll miss you all, guys, especially you Spirenubs.
I have too many friends to list here, so I'll just mention 5. I hope none of you are offended by this, and that these are just the ones I want to leave messages for.
@madsplatter - Thank you for being the best friend I could ever have
And for helping me through Zeal. I can't really write too much here, because there's no way I can put what I feel in words, but I think you understand well enough. You are someone who I can never thank enough, though I'll keep thanking you anyway
Your work on Spire, Horizon and KO was amazing, and in the end, you didn't even like Herocraft at first.. you only joined to make me happy. And that means a lot. You iz awesome, nub. inrlu.
@Leeness - Miss you bud. We had our ups and downs and arguments and shit like that, haha, and watching you go from being a gaming boy to, well, a man... was something to remember. Ty for being a great friend, from Ubz to here, and for accepting that random nub who helped you learn how to strafe on Uberstrike and takes credit for teaching you whenever he can
Hope I'll get to see you around sometime, preferably sober.
@pandaman7 - Da Flying Panda strikes again. You are the most annoyingly disobedient and hilarious general I ever had in the RoT, and the most amazing PVP'r I've ever seen. Ty for all of the wars, the forced arguments, the rage and the occasional demotion threats. And, thank you for making the most successfully active and rebellious town in the kingdom... though Spire still rocks
Will miss you, braaah.
@Dominator131198 - Ty for teaching me the most annoying combo of numbers ever. Hope you get unbanned.
@dils1 - Wtf, I typed you in here and it disappeared. Skype ya later mang <3
@dmil23 - (He doesn't count) Go away
tl;dr: Thank you for everything, goodbye, and keep the vision alive.
A lot of you will have noticed by now that I've been gone a long time. Or at least, those of you who would have noticed were gone before my own departure. And I think it's about time I explain it all. It's been a long run, from Sanctum to where we are now, and I think the hour has finally come for me to leave, not in a state of depression and panic like the last time I disappeared, and not assaulted on every front by nostalagia as I have been for a while now, but to do it properly. So, to put it simply, I have finally decided that my time on Dragongarde and perhaps Herocraft itself is up. There is no sense in playing a game that you don't enjoy - and I don't think it's the server that is doing something wrong, or the people in the server, but rather that I am the one torturing myself and that I am simply unable to accept or adapt to change. And that leads me to where I am now.
It's hard to explain how much I miss the old maps, each of them just about opposite but each of them amazing, and how much I miss my old friends on here. Some of them have left, others have changed to the point where I hardly recognise them anymore, and in some cases, this is my fault entirely - which makes it even worse when I think about it too much. For me, Sanctum was a hub of community, honour and friendliness. Everyone I knew there was kind to me and I felt more welcome than ever before on any minecraft server that I've ever been on. I made a few good friends (Among them Gabizou, jittlelames, rattmodriguez) and enjoyed my time so much, because it was just somewhere where I could relax, talk to others, build and experiment with a rich, joyous and exciting server that I never got bored of. I'm sure my memories have made it seem a little more golden than it was, but even without this clouding, it was amazing as an introduction to the server I would come to love and also as a little home away from home in itself. Sanctum meant a lot to me. When the map wipe came, I was pretty devastated, as I was in the middle of beginning construction of a town, but eventually I decided that I could continue it with a fresh map in the new world. Zeal.
And, Heroes! They were amazing. The Rogue, powerful but simple, was my first class, though I quickly dumped it for the Healer, who at the time had bandages for 1 paper with no mana cost and no cooldown, making them immortal while they had paper and ridiculously OP. Of course, that was fixed soon enough, and it became a fairly balanced support class that I fell in love with. Heroes has always been a positive for me, although I hate when it becomes unbalanced now because it has grown to become the core of the server rather than a little add-on, and it's far more important than it was at the beginning of Zeal or in the pre-Zeal testing period. But it was the beginning of a change far more significant than a few extra abilities and survivability upgrades against now boosted and extremely challenging mobs. Heroes brought the birth of the true heart of Zeal - the bloodthirst that spread from first raiders taking advantage of the early-map lack of town regions and subsequent easy loot, to later infecting nearly every player on the server. Quickly towns became strongholds built for security, not aesthetics, and they began to turn against each other to satisfy their own thirst for power.
I founded Spire on the 2nd day of Zeal, and boy, were we noobs. Though our first taste of PvP was a couple of petty raids fought between single raiders armed with stone swords and a small team of hole-dwelling citizens who were loyal and faithful, as PVP grew, so did Spire. We became accustomed to it, and I loved it, not just for the bloodshed, but for the excitement and for the struggle for power. Watching the wars between D101, Ironpass, the S.S.S, Killuminati and eventually the struggles of West Herocraft against the quickly emerging Tree Creepers wasn't just enthralling, but it made me feel like I was a part of another world. I felt sympathy for D101, sadness for S.S.S as they began to fade when AussieDingbat disappeared, hate for the Tree Creepers (<3) when they raided us for 40 hours straight. It was something that inspired me to play every night for hours and hours, sucked into the roleplay of the server, though some of those who I didn't know too well used to say I'd take it a little too far, saying casters were filth and all. But those were good times, and once again I made many new friends, the closest of which were my dear Spirenubs, who worked hard and made the little hole in the ground into a, if unfinished, metropolis, and spread it into what was so close to a Kingdom. It was brilliant. Spire was my pride and joy, my sweat and tears, and it meant everything to me. It's one of those feelings that, as a mayor, makes up for all the stress and hard work you go through, knowing that all of this has resulted in your dream becoming a reality. It's what kept me going.
Unfortunately towards the end of Zeal, lag between Herocraft updates and Minecraft updates, as well as the fall of Jericho, meant activity died down, and with it so did my passion for Herocraft. It's not that I didn't still love it, because I did. It's just that everything, slowly but surely, began to cool down. The 'wastelands' of the violent west of Herocraft became a graveyard as Ironpass, what I thought and still think was the most powerful town in Zeal, became a shadow of its former self. Spire became a quiet monolith of stone, as did the rest of the kingdom, bar Exitium and her future Freeper army. Construction slowed to a stop, and war became a pointless back and forth of troops when others were offline, with all chests constantly secure, all players constantly hiding themselves in safety regions. All in all, the map had lived out its lifespan, and a grand lifespan at that. We wanted a wipe, and sure enough, after a few long months of monotonous thirst for blood in every town and breakouts of petty, careful war between all of the major kingdoms and the Tree Creepers, the wipe came.
It was exciting, and for the first while, it was worth the delay. Towns, and the construction of towns, were beautiful. Spawn was amazing fun to be around, although I got lost more often than not whenever I tried to explore it without the company of Leeness or Dils. It was a new beginning, and one that I hoped would be just as fun as the last two maps. But the excitement didn't last as PVP began to slowly die down, for unlike Zeal where regions did not exist and warfare was common, towns were once again built for security as in late Zeal, although much more attractive than most of the Zeal towns. It wasn't the tranquility of Sanctum or the passion of Zeal. It was something of both, and unfortunately not the best of both. I don't think I'm alone in saying that Dragongarde grew dull quickly, and many veterans who had come back for a reunion in the new world disappeared before we could welcome them back. Some left. Others stayed, but changed. I think I changed too. People tried to bring old things back but they couldn't survive in this new, so very different environment. Many came, and the newcomers never fail to astound me, usually in a good way. But it quickly became clear that any plans I'd had for Dragongarde were built for Zeal or Sanctum, not something like the current map. So they didn't happen, and many other plans didn't go through either. I disappeared a little, and then a lot. I got off Herocrack, in a manner of speaking. I tried coming back many times, and tried hard, but it meant nothing in the end because I never managed to stay. From my old plan for a guild, Pride, just not fitting in, to the attempts at restarting Spire not attracting enough support, the loss of so many friends and the unbalance I met after the beginning of Dragongarde, it just didn't last too long for me. I tried holding out, and after a few months I started planning for the next map. But I guess there is no next map - at least, not from what Kain has suggested - and where we are is where we're staying for a long, long time yet. I have memories to call upon for Sanctum and Zeal. Memories which fill me with happiness. Dragongarde gives me no memories, just an echo of both of the previous maps long gone.
So... if you've read until here, you've read a little snippet of my life story on Herocraft

I have too many friends to list here, so I'll just mention 5. I hope none of you are offended by this, and that these are just the ones I want to leave messages for.
@madsplatter - Thank you for being the best friend I could ever have

@Leeness - Miss you bud. We had our ups and downs and arguments and shit like that, haha, and watching you go from being a gaming boy to, well, a man... was something to remember. Ty for being a great friend, from Ubz to here, and for accepting that random nub who helped you learn how to strafe on Uberstrike and takes credit for teaching you whenever he can

@pandaman7 - Da Flying Panda strikes again. You are the most annoyingly disobedient and hilarious general I ever had in the RoT, and the most amazing PVP'r I've ever seen. Ty for all of the wars, the forced arguments, the rage and the occasional demotion threats. And, thank you for making the most successfully active and rebellious town in the kingdom... though Spire still rocks

@Dominator131198 - Ty for teaching me the most annoying combo of numbers ever. Hope you get unbanned.
@dils1 - Wtf, I typed you in here and it disappeared. Skype ya later mang <3
@dmil23 - (He doesn't count) Go away
tl;dr: Thank you for everything, goodbye, and keep the vision alive.